Subud Dewan Meeting Minutes, January 4, 2015
Present: Marston Gregory, Hadijah O’Bar, Sherwin O’Bar, Hadiyah Carlyle, Paul Nelson, Elisha Gullisxon.
As the meeting started, it was decided that a quorum was not present, so the minutes of the December meeting were not approved, but Elisha Gullixson arrived after latihan, was consulted about the only decision made by the Dewan and approved, see below.
Sherwin presented the financial report and the early 2014 totals came to:
Inflows/revenues were $70,184 (member contributions were $17,707 and rentals were $52,227. Outflows/expenses were $63,640 (including occupancy costs of $22,650 and rental expense of $28,217).
Marston says we should look into tax liability and perhaps pay taxes in the upstairs portion of the facility because of the Airbnb rental business. Marston pointed out that utilities for January 2014 were very similar to months during which there was significant Airbnb business. We did received the contract for the grant from the Subuh Foundation. David Lynch and Sherwin O’Bar are required to sign the contract which needs to happen before a new Dewan is installed.
Marston presented the Annual Report for the rental business for 2014, including projections for 2015 and the upgrading of facilities that are necessary, as well as the Subuh Foundation grant and how that is to be handled. Summaries of maintenance done were included in the report and the handicap-access project is projected to be $15,000. Re-sanding upstairs floors, re-carpeting, re-furnishing rooms and attic insulation are all tasks that he considers to be required. He reported that the foundation is developing “eco-grants” to help centers make their buildings more environmentally sustainable and we might be eligible for one, although his position as Foundation Chair renders our application awkward. The garage door needs to be replaced, and Marston recommends French doors rather than the current garage door. There appears to be touch-ups that could be done in the Chapel, including a replacement of the rugs and the job done on the altar stairs. Marston will inquire about repairing the chapel’s cork floor and about removing the rug in the chapel. Windows downstairs need to be replaced and need to be double-paned to help create some energy savings.
Hadijah suggests sound insulation in the basement to help reduce the impact of the men grunting during latihan. Perhaps we can bring this issue up at the next general meeting (Jan 25). Paul would suggest later radient heat for the men’s hall floor. Marston pointed out that our lodging was nearly 100% in August and our rental income was over $9,000. Marston will edit the financial statement to be applicable to the rental business.
Paul reported on SSC. Hadijah O’Bar will ask Maryka Ford to create a poster for the Open House. Marston and Hadiyah suggested we postpone the open house from Feb 7 and Paul will talk to Jim O’Halloran to reschedule until spring. Paul also reported on rentals that were actually charitable events/outreach efforts, so very good rates were offered to Elaine Simons and her event which presented homeless people with gifts for the holidays on Xmas Eve and Nora Raye Padilla’s Transgeneder Christmas Party, at which one attendee expressed fascination at the energy in the house and requested more information about Subud. It is clear we need to do outreach to the GLBTQ community and Paul feels that once this community realizes what Subud is really about, there will be quite a boost of energy for Subud. Hadidjah expressed support for GLBTQ outreach and Lambert Rochfort did also after Latihan when Paul brought up the issue to him. Please include Lambert in emails.
Marston talked about his compensation proposal. Marston has requested an increase from $15 to $20 an hour, to increase Rachel Hug’s pay from $15 to $20 and to make Paul’s monthly remuneration from straight commission to a draw of $1,250 with a bonus if revenues exceed $4,167 each month. The adjustment may be made each month based on the prior months year to date rental revenues from (Airbnb and Other), times 30% less sum of the base monthly commissions ($1,250 per month) plus commissions over the base monthly commissions paid to date thru the prior month. Paul also requested $100 a month to maintain the Subud Greater Seattle website, which was approved.