Subud Greater Seattle Dewan Minutes June 12, 2016
Attendees: Ramon, Chair, Sherwin O’Bar, Treasurer, Hadijah O’Bar, Local Helper, Abideen Gunatilaka, Vice-Chair, Hadiyah Carlyle, Secretary, Paul Nelson, Rental Agent, Marston Gregory, Facilities Manager.
Minutes May 14, 2016: Approved unanimously
Revenue: $27,342 (including member donations of $6,510 and Airbnb at $30,398)
Expenses: $ 35,704 (rental expense of $13,234 and house improvements of $7,638)
Excess of Expenses: $8,362. The loss is mainly due to the renovations on the upstairs bathroom.
We had a lengthly discussion on the several taxes on the building and our enterprise. Sherwin has done extensive research on this. Despite Paul being told by the City of Seattle that no taxes are due a business with less than $100,000 annual revenue, the dba discussion happening in the Regional Dewan spurred Paul and Sherwin to do research and both found that we should be paying sales taxes. It was decided that we’ll have Airbnb collect taxes on lodgers, that Paul will get a City of Seattle Business License for Subud Pacific Northwest, using the current EIN number, starting immediately. Sherwin will look into compliance with the state’s B&O taxes as well as King County property tax. Marston and Sherwin would measure the taxable space (upstairs) and report what percentage of the house is dedicated to Airbnb (the bedrooms and upstairs bathroom.) All are to report at the next Local Dewan meeting.
Spring Street Center:
Paul reported revenues of $27,561 for the year, down 3.38% due to an April that was down 42%. May was a record month and June is expected to be as well if all current reservations hold and potential clients are planning an August rental for use by comedians in a nearby comedy festival, a September birthday party for a 75 year old, a wedding reception, and a singing for world peace event in November that will require the cancellation of Sunday latihan during Menucha weekend. Paul expects 2016 revenue to meet 2015 levels.
Marston reported the bathroom finished, but the updating of the chapel doors with crash bars has been stalled due to finding the right contractor. Marston said that the recent heat wave suggests it would be wise to insulate the attic, but the opportunity to submit a grant to MSF was delayed at the last local Dewan meeting. We might apply at another time but didn’t feel we wanted to apply at this round for several reasons.
Helper Reports:
Halimah is the women’s helper of the month. She was not at the meeting and Hadijah didn’t know what had been happening the past month as she was occupied with business etc. Halstein has agreed to be a delegate to the national congress.
Next Meeting: Sunday July 17 at 9:30 am. Our delegate to the national congress will report.
Respectfully submitted by Hadiyah Carlyle, Sec’y