Dewan Meeting Minutes June 14, 2015


ATTENDEES:  Ramon, Marston and Hadidjah Gregory, Hadijah and Sherwin O’Bar. Hariana Chilstrom, Paul Nelson, Hadiyah Carlyle

May meeting minutes review and approved.

FINANCIAL REPORT: See attached from Sherwin, Treasurer.  Through May there has been a $1549 loss overall which Sherwin says will probably be made up with the summer schedule of Airbnb.   Hadidjah Gregory volunteered to post a blog about the value of member donations. Paul suggested a quote from Bapak might be useful.


Paul gave a report on Airbnb.  The revenue has increased slightly from June of last year but as of now is responsible for 164% increase over last year’s revenue.  He talked  about being proactive about the common areas that need to be kept clean and giving unfavorable reviews to guests who are less than considerate.  Hadijah O’Bar mentioned that she notices if the bathroom needs cleaning and will help out and we are encouraging all members to do so.

Marston gave an update on the Center.  We now have the cleaners there every Monday because of the volume of business.  We are getting better reviews on the cleanliness.  Lucinda has generously landscaped the front of the building so it is now low maintenance and looks great.  David has been working on the ramp and it is expected to be finished and in operation soon. Marston also talked about a new MSF grant for insulating the attic.  There was discussion on it and what is best for the region.  There are a lot of things that need to be taken care of in the house and we need to make a priority list.  We talked about the floor in the women’s latihan room and also, possibly getting a carpet from a member.  Hadidjah volunteered to get new dishes at Ikea and put the present ones in the kitchen downstairs.


We would like to have a garage sale on Sat July 25 to raise money for the doors ($1500).  However, we need volunteers that day.  Hadiyah will call members and see if we can get people to help out that day. Ramon has volunteered to pick up items and take remaining items to Goodwill. 


Paul discussed the possibility of a new weekly reading series at the Subud House in the off-season, Mid-September through Mid-May.  There might also be a weekly critique circle component.  Subud members are welcome to attend, should the series become a reality and Paul would like at least one Subud member be at each event just to make sure things happen in accordance with Subud.

There would be a small rent paid for these events, which would be extra revenue for the house as these nights are usually not booked.  It will also help with outreach, but the Dewan suggested that it be considered a contribution from Subud Pacific Northwest to SICA.  Paul was asked to query SICA-US to see if there would be grant support from them for these two literary series. The Dewan would like to discuss this further with the general membership at the next general meeting on August 2.

Paul also discussed the house as being a venue for the 4th Cascadia Poetry Festival, but drinking events would not be held at the House.  That fest is set for Nov 3-6, 2016.  The Dewan will discuss this at the next dewan meeting..


Next Dewan meeting   Sunday July 12 at 9:00 am

Idil Fitri celebration  Sunday July 19 after latihan

General Membership meeting  Sunday Aug 2 after latihan

Respectfully submitted,

Hadiyah, Secretary