Dewan Meeting Minutes June 25, 2017


June 25, 2017

ATTENDEES: Honora, Jim O’Halloran, Hadijah and Sherwin O’Bar, Lorraine Tedrow, Marston Gregory, Paul Nelson, Hadiyah Carlyle

Jim O’Halloran chaired the meeting.

Minutes from May 21, 2017 approved unanimously.

FINANCIAL: Sherwin reported:
Revenue: $30,781 (including member donations of $6,967 and Airbnb of $23,589).

Expenses: $42, 906 (rental expense of $17,365 and house improvements/occupancy costs of $19,363 of which about $10,000 represents full payment for the sewer line rework)

Excess of Expense over Revenue: $12,125.


Communication. Paul will send link to Honora. Honora will monitor calendar. We are hoping that this will ease the scheduling. Paul explained the order and the listing on the website. Honora will follow up with Hariana. Honora will be administrator for the calendar. Marston said the old committee is still on the website. Honora will ask Ramon to fix it as he is still on the website.


Volunteer Party: We are thinking of a date in September or October for a party honoring all volunteers who have helped throughout the years. The event will be coordinated by Lorraine T. Jim O. has agreed to organize the clean-up portion. Hadijah O. said that the women helpers have received that we should be organizing parties and other events for our Subud community.

Regional Helpers visit: they are considering coming in August or September. Hadijah O. suggested that local helpers should coordinate this with the regional helpers. Jim suggested testing around the regional helpers event but Honora couldn’t do Latihan so it may be postponed. Paul suggested testing should be on the calendar. Hadijah O. suggested Honora continue planning and include helpers.

Lorraine T. suggested additional ideas for informal social events including sharing paintings and other artwork and birthday parties.


Marston gave a thorough report of the projects this year and future projects for Spring Street Center. Please see his report at the end of the minutes.


Paul reported that the projected revenues for June are $8,503, which is the best June in our rental history. We have had rental months for Feb., March, and June of this year and we’re 17% ahead of last year’s total for ALL rentals. Paul no longer handles other events as Debbie has taken that over. We are at $32,738 for the year. Paul said we continue to get “Superhost” statues with Airbnb and that is a reflection of Debbie’s cleaning efforts and Marston’s care for the house. We are very proud of what the team has accomplished.

Paul also mentioned that he is tracking Airbnb regulation legislation at the city council level. He is working to get an exemption for spiritual centers, as providing lodging for spiritual seekers is a very ancient practice.


July 9 – dewan latihan at 10:15 am quiet.

July 23 – dewan meeting at 9:30 am

Respectfully submitted

Hadiyah Carlyle, Sec’y


Projects completed so far this year in landscaping and renovation:

  1. Garden Day, with weeding and mulching and planting new grass.
  2. Installation of liners in our sewer line, which we hope will eliminate backups for a long time.
  3. Removal of the diseased acacia tree on the south side and replacement by two pink dogwood trees.
  4. Refurbishing of the women’s quiet room/women helper’s room/office. The oversized couch is gone, replaced by three chairs from the chapel. The old clothes rack has been replaced with a wall rack. We have removed lots of items to make it look nicer.
  5. Cleaning and organizing of the garage, painting the floor and installation of a storage shelf unit.
  6. Reorganization of the kitchen storage area by Debbie, who has been deep cleaning many areas.
  7. Pressure washing of all walks and steps.

Future Projects for 2017:

  1. Repair the south wall, which has water damage, in September. We have accepted a bid for $1,500.
  2. If approved, repair or replace the malfunctioning garage door. Repair would cost approximately $400; replacement approximately $1,500.
  3. The Branchflowers donated a large 10’x20’ rug, which Debbie and I installed in the living room. We will replace the current rug in the Women’s Latihan hall with two smaller rugs, easier to move for special events than the current large one. This current rug will either be moved to another area or donated. These rug changes in the Women’s Latihan room have been agreed upon by some of the women helpers.
  4. Jim will install a new timer (that works with two hoses) on the irrigation system as the weather gets warmer.
  5. Some touch-up painting and minor repairs will happen over the summer.
  6. I am starting to get painting bids for the 2018 or 2019 budget. It may cost as much as $15,000. We may have to save for this and possibly borrow from the Regional House fund. Insiah recommended that we stay with the same colors as we now have on the house. I think we last painted our house in 2006, and it is showing wear. Subud Portland is repainting their house.

Marston Gregory, Facilities Manager