Dewan Meeting Minutes June 9, 2014

Subud Greater Seattle Dewan Meeting Minutes Sunday, June 9, 2014
Present: Sherwin and Hadijah O’Bar, Marston and Hadijah Gregory, Paul Nelson, Oswald Norton, Elisha Gullixson, Jim O’Halloran, Hadiyah Carlyle

Chaired by Elisha Gullixson

Last Month’s Minutes
Accepted unanimously by the committee through email.

Financial Report
Sherwin prepared a detailed financial report for which the committee is grateful. We still have a projected deficit for the end of the year but hope through member donations we will come out even.

At the last general meeting, we authorized a house fund and to deposit $500 to start. Sherwin is looking into a bank and the committee would prefer an independent bank.

The building is insured for less than $500,000 now. Sherwin will get two quotes – replacement value for $750,00 and $1,000,000. He will present it at the next committee meeting.

National Congress Report
We offer Daniel Stralberg the new Subud USA National Chair a big congratulations and would like to offer him our support.

David called in about the Congress as he was not able to be at the meeting.

He submitted the following report:


  • Chair: Daniel Stralberg (Seattle)
  • Vice Chair: Mary Wold (Midwest Regional)
  • Committee Councilor: Muftiah McCartin (Washington DC)
  • Treasurer: still open
  • Secretary: still open
  • SES (Subud Enterprises Services): still open
  • SYA (Subud Youth Activities): Mahallia Ward Pollard (Chicago) and Dexter Douglass (New York)
  • SD (Susila Dharma): Evan Padilla continues for 1 more year
  • SICA (Subud International Cultural Association USA): Mhd. Isman Kanafsky continues for 1 more year


Bylaw additions and changes – some wording changes were approved, along with the following which affect policy:

1. That the preamble given by Bapak for Subud bylaws be an addendum to our bylaws

2. The past chair of Subud USA will serve as a non-voting advisor to the board of directors for one year after the national congress. The other officers (vice chair, secretary, treasurer, committee councilor) will serve as non-voting advisors for 60 days.

3. For reasons of our board liability insurance policy, the national helpers will be included in the composition of the board of directors, as non-voting members.

4. That each delegate may carry 3 proxy votes (making a total of 4 votes per delegate the maximum).

Endowment Fund Policies:
Subud USA has had two endowment funds with two policies, one created in 1970 and the other in 2009. It was resolved that the earlier policy (commonly known as The Million Dollar Trust Fund) be rescinded, and all funds raised under that policy be governed by the more recent Subud USA Endowment Fund policy, recognizing that the aims of both are the same: “to sustain the growth and development of Subud USA and to support its projects and activities.”

Custodial Fund:
For those centers and regions with funds that are insufficient to acquire a Subud house, or whose membership is dwindling, Subud USA could create a “custodial” account to hold money on their behalf. Ownership of the money deposited would remain with the region or center. It was resolved that this fund be established to serve centers and regions that wish to voluntarily participate in it. Policies and procedures will be approved by the board of directors.

Revision of Membership Classification:
The current membership classifications will stand. Note that these classifications are for administrative rather than kejiwaan purposes, to be used for the census, for determining inclusion in the national directory, and to allocate delegates. [Current membership categories used in 2013 Census: Active: Practiced the latihan at least once per month in the past year. Semi-Active: Practiced the latihan at least once in the last six months. Occasional: Practiced the latihan at least once in the past year]

Subud National Enterprise:
As supported by our new chair, Daniel Stralberg, “Subud USA recommends following Ibu Rahayu’s advice concerning the establishment of a Subud enterprise; that an Expert Panel of qualified members will be set up by the National Committee and SES and will meet the objective of agreeing on the form and nature of a national enterprise, and report at the 2015 Gathering.”


Helper Report
The committee tackled some deep issues about the house guidelines that have been put back on the website. We talked about testing again on the guidelines. A lot of effort was put into making the guidelines and we will revisit at the next general meeting. Oswald suggested the guidelines reflect where we were as a community when they were established, but may not reflect who we have become, in part, because of their existence.

Spring Street Center
The Cascadia Poetry Festival was a huge success. About 1,250 people attended and several of the programs took place at Spring Street Center. Paul expressed disappointment that few Subud people were involved with the festival.

Revenues: May revenues were over $3,000. Rachel Hug has been helping changing rooms and is doing wonderful work. Since we are growing with Air B&B we need more support to help make the enterprise work.

There much discussion about the tax issue and about guidelines for dealing with Subud Regional Board Members and other Subud officials lodging at the house. Portland has a lodging policy that Paul will review online and using that as a guide, Paul will create a policy for the house. He will make a report to the Regional meeting being held on June 28.

Paul will inquire to the King Co Tax Assessors office about taxing the upstairs of non Subud use. Paul will also make the tax issue known to the regional board. We should also look into our status as a church. It was suggested that if revenues outstrip donations, this could affect our tax status.

Paul will enlist Rachel Hug, to handle rental business during the World Congress as he and Marston will both be in Puebla.

Marston and Sherwin are getting the application ready for MSF for making the house handicap-accessible. David has submitted a bid for doing the work.

Puebla Congress
Discussion on the scholarship fund for the Congress. If it isn’t used by the member to whom it was offered, the fund committee may reopen it or money may go to SYA. Paul expressed interest in getting financial support for his confirmed trip to Puebla.

Upcoming Events
June 22 – helper dewan.
June 28 – Regional Board meeting