General Meeting

Subud Greater Seattle logoYes, a general meeting for Subud Greater Seattle at the Seattle house on Sunday October 16 after latihan.
Did you know the rental business did over $11,300 in August? It was a new record. Find out where we’re hiding the loot. And we have some important issues to talk about.  Also, we are planning our Holiday Party for AFTER LATIHAN on Sunday, January 1, 2017. What a way to ring in the new year with Latihan and your Subud Brothers and Sisters.
We look forward to seeing you. Sunday, October 16, after Latihan.
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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.