General Meeting Minutes Subud Greater Seattle Oct 16, 2016
Attendees: Ramon, Paul Nelson, Hariana Chilstrom, Danella Mauguin, Elisha Gullixson, Marston Gregory, Paul Nelson, Insiah Caspers, Abideen Gunatilaka, Hadijah and Sherwin O’Bar, Ann and Evan Padilla, Halimah Bellows, Halstein Stralberg, Sebastian Tedrow, Philip Schafer, Jim and Lucinda O’Hallorhan.
Financial: Sherwin O’Bar our Treasurer reported that we are in good shape financially. We had over $12,000 work done on the house this year so that will account for a loss of about $2000 at the end of the ear if member donations don’t pick up. At present, we have an excess of expenses over revenue of $1,194.
Spring Street Center: Marston reported that we have a great team, with Paul being rental agent and responding to most communications regarding the house within minutes of getting them, which has helped the house achieve SuperHost Status from Airbnb. Debbie Machado-Santos will replace Rachel Hug as the person responsible for changing and cleaning rooms. Abadeen continues to do a professional job with linens, cleaning and ironing. Most of the profits from the Centerprise have gone to maintain the house and the house would be well-served to get insulated given the warming trends happening in our part of the world.
Paul reported that August 2016 saw a new record month for revenues, exceeding $11,300. Previously the record was just over $9,000 for a single month. October will be at a record for that month, exceeding $5,500. We are starting to see an uptick of inquiries for rentals of the house. Nov 12-13 there will be a 24 hour rental as a group has a ritual to Sing for World Peace. This will necessitate a cancellation of that Sunday’s latihan, but members are encouraged to do Latihan the previous Friday on the East Side if they are not at Menucha.
SUBUD USA Executive Director Sebastian Tedrow attended and reported:
Our new National Committee is Mary Wold chairperson Lucas Boladian vice Chair, and Rafiq Dossani treasurer. We do not have a secretary yet. Volunteers welcome.
We are still looking for a site for the 2017 National Gathering on the East Coast. We have tentative dates of June 30-July 4, 2017. It will be a kejiwaan/wings gathering not a business congress. I have been looking for a venue for some time but I am currently trying to narrow it down to either the Baltimore or Atlanta area after looking at a number of other possible sites which have proven either two small or two expensive. At the national congress a subcommittee was set up the help with determining future congress sites. It should help in the future. Currently we plan on having the 2018 National Congress on the West Coast on one side or the other of the 4th of July, because Ramadan will be during the Memorial Day weekend from 2017-2019. My current favorite is the Vancouver WA Hilton which we have used 3 time before.
I was asked about the housing subcommittee discussed at the national congress to deal with issues around non regional owned properties. I said that I did not have any additional information about that. There are 4 centers all on the East coast that are not regional owned. Two of the centers have quite valuable properties with aging out populations this is the current driving force behind the subcommittee.
World Council Meeting: Marston gave a detailed report on the World Council meeting in Spain. MSF has new trustees and there is still an opening for one more. He said that there were two bequests for $1.2 million to MSF and Marston shared where the money was allocated. Spoke about Amanacer which is the only property MSF owns. He told members that they can allocate money in their wills for MSF.
He said the very devoted international helpers are scheduled to tour the United States in 2017.
Discussion: Ramon opened the discussion to members. Some of the issues raised were the Treasurers position which is crucial as we now have an enterprise. Sherwin said he would be willing to serve for another term and he will work on a policy and procedure manual. Danella offered to help.
We talked about a transition team as Ramon will be completing his two year term in Jan. Evan suggested that we meet in early January for the next chair and then there is time to train the person.
Marston said that the Spring St staff is working well so that the next committee can focus on other issues.
We will have a party January 1 after latihan to celebrate the New Yer and start it off right. Debbie M will be catering the food for the party, which will start after Latihan, as January 1, 2017 falls on a Sunday. A holiday party is also being planned for December, likely the 18th.
Respectfully submitted by Hadiyah Carlyle, Sec’y