Help Select our New Committee

Yes, we will be having testing and a general election for Subud Greater Seattle on Sunday Feb 10 after latihan and lunch.
We have lost committee members so will be testing for a new committee.
Your presence is needed.
When time is closer will give info about potluck.
But for now, please plan to come on Feb 10.
Your Subud Greater Seattle Committee
Susila Budhi Dharma (SUBUD) means to follow the Will of almighty God with the help of the Divine Power that works both within us and without, by the way of surrendering oneself to the Will of Almighty God.
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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.