Help Subud L.A. Install a Sign

FROM: Hanafi Fraval
TO: Paul Nelson
Hi Paul,

Below is a little description that I have used before. Hopefully it’ll help with your post. I thought after we finish talking, that it would be great if there was some kind of collective response to our appeal. It is true that the odd member may feel prompted to send some money in support of our fundraising efforts, but may be at the gathering you have coming up you could make an appeal for “one group supporting another”. That was the approach that Portland took and in the end they were able to send us $350. Magnificent. Anyway, I leave it to you…

Warm wishes,


Subud CA SIgn

Wilshire Boulevard is one of the main roads running all the way from Santa Monica into the center of Los Angeles and beyond. The Subud Center is on what is known as the historic “miracle mile” section of this famous road. As you go into town on the left is the Los Angeles County Museum of Art and to the right is our building, designed by a well-known architect in the early part of the 20th century. But our building says nothing of who we are.

How many stories have we heard of people who have simply seen the word “Subud” and felt compelled to investigate more, finally finding the Latihan. We felt it was important for our community to know where our home is and who we are.

The LA Subud Group has worked long and hard, to raise the finance and to produce a professional design for the two signs for our building on Wilshire Boulevard. The first is a lit blade sign that mounts to the side of the building. The second is a 25 foot wide parapet sign, lit from behind. Both are shown in the attachment, although they are now to be constructed in BLUE and GOLD in place of the brown color in the first document.

So finally the project to put signage on to the building is near completion. We have raised $16,500 of the $18,000 needed for the project. We have gone through multiple bids, so we’re nearly there. But we need some help for the last few steps. We are just $1500 short of our target.

Thank you for your support, without which we would be unable to achieve this long-sought project. You can send your check to

Subud LA
5828 Wilshire Blvd
Los Angeles CA 90036-4501
And write “signage” in the Memo line

For the Subud LA Committee,
Hanafi Fraval
Newbury Park, CA

Subud California Sign

Subud Blade Sign

Subud LA signage