From Malama MacNeil:
Dear Sisters and Brothers,

Melinda Wallis
I sorrowful call came to me today from Henrietta Haines with news that our sister, Melinda Wallis, of the greater Seattle area, is unresponsive and not expected to survive. Let us pray and let us latihan on behalf of her graceful exit from this mortal life and her soul’s return to the Source of Life, the All Embracing One Great Loving Mystery.
Further, let us pray that grace and comfort wrap around her sons, Emmanuel and Hampton Pleshe, and all of her family in this time of grievous bereavement.
May all of us who knew her, loved her, and were loved by her, who worked, argued, laughed, cried, conspired, planned, organized, and worshiped with her, and those of us who were rubber-chicken-carrying members in her “Silly Subud” family be filled with gratitude for her presence in our lives and her impact, as the long time Office Manager (and voice) of the SubudUSA organization.
Others will, I’m sure, fill in the details of her long membership in Subud, and have many stories to tell. I imagine she’ll be listening in.
Go with God, Melinda, as you often said to me at the end of a conversation, “You go, Girl!”
In gratitude for prayers shared,
UPDATE Saturday morning Dec 9. Regional Helper Elizabeth Flanders visited Melinda and reports she is conscious and would love Latihans done for her well being.
Further update from Marston: The article jumped the gun on Melinda’s condition she improved a lot yesterday and is eating again and
talking a bit. Hadidjah and Elizabeth Flanders went to see her yesterday and did latihan with her. Her
improvement was amazing and unexpected.