Notes of Sept. 15, 2017 General Meeting



September 15, 2017, Eastside

ATTENDEES: Jim O’Halloran, Honora, Hadijah and Sherwin O’Bar, Lorraine and Sebastian Tedrow, Marston Gregory, Paul Nelson, Bhakti Watts, Rachman and Ida Cantrell, Halstein Stralberg, Elisha Gullixson, Hanafi LIbman, Danella Mauguin, Oswald Norton, Hadiyah Carlyle.

Minutes from January 29, 2017 approved

FINANCIAL: Sherwin gave a comprehensive report for the year so far.

Revenue: $63, 272 (including member donations of $10,124 and Airbnb of $51,625).

Expenses: $68,024 (rental expense of $31,6k72 and house improvements/occupancy costs of $26,030 of which about $10,000 represents full payment for the sewer line rework).

Excess of Expense over Revenue: $4,752.


After many years of working on a way to bring income to the Subud Greater Seattle house we are proud to say that both Airbnb and rentals are doing very well. Paul reported that the total income for Airbnb 2017 so far has been $61,143.39, an 11 % increase over the similar period last year. Last year included Airbnb and rentals and this year Airbnb is up by itself over that.

We continue to hold “Superhost” status at Airbnb due to three factors:

  1. Debbie’s cleaning and housekeeping skills are impeccable and have pleased renters.
  2. Marson responds to the slightest criticism of the house and amenities quickly with inexpensive solutions
  3. Paul responds quickly with the right tone to all lodgers and potential lodgers.

Paul said that the rental service creates awareness of Subud, gives lower-income lodgers a warm, clean place to stay in Seattle and provides revenues to help keep the house well-maintained. He thanks us for the opportunity to serve Subud.

Marston also reported that the team for the rentals is working well. A lot of work has been put into making the enterprise successful.


Menucha – Registration now open. We encourage people to register. Hadijah brought up that if people have special diets they need to report it to Menucha ahead of time.

Great Create Recap – Oswald reported that 27 people attended. It was a weekend of great talent. It’s a SICA backbone. We obtained funding for a pilot program for future programs giving youth chance to take over.

Fall SGS Oct 15 event – Honora encouraged people to come. Lorraine and Hadiyah reported. Debbie Santos Machado will be the chef for a sit down lunch after latihan on Oct 15. Debbie needs to have a head count by Oct 6 to order food. So far we have a good response from Olympia and Skagit.

Regional Helper visit – Scheduled for Dec 9. Honora reported that there will be a kedjiwan day and then at night music and a party.

International Helper visit – A date needs to be scheduled but will be sometime in Jan/Feb.

Respectfully submitted by Hadiyah Carlyle