Subud Greater Seattle General Meeting
Minutes: Sunday October 5, 2014 (taken by Hadiyah Carlyle)
Present: Sherwin and Hadijah O’ Bar, Halimah Bellows, Lorraine and Sebastian Tedrow, Maryka Ford and David Lynch, Ida and Halstein Stralberg, Paul Nelson, Insiah Caspers, Ray Brown, Elijah Gullixson, Evan and Ann Padilla, Hanifi Libman, Kathleen Gillette, and Hadiyah Carlyle.
Financial Report: Sherwin reported that our revenues are going up, but so are operating costs while at the same time donations are going down. We should consider increasing our payments to the Regional Housing fund and dues to the National organization, which is in need of more operating expenses.
Helper Report: The main focus of the meeting was to discuss the guidelines that had been put together several years ago. Both the men and women reported that the testing indicated that they were not useful at this time. The vote was unanimous to eliminate the guidelines. We had a lively discussion concerning the issues that precipitated the guidelines. Many felt that we still had a problem. Both the women and men now are doing a latihan after regular latihan for group harmony every Sunday. There will be more again on the issue of harmony.
There is now a daytime women’s latihan starting at 12:30 pm quiet time on Thursdays. We hope women will attend this latihan during the day.
The national dewan will be meeting in Seattle on November 22/23. They will be available for latihan and testing with members on Sunday Nov 23.
Menucha: Regiatration ends Fri Oct. 10.
Regional Congress: Alexandra van Horst is Chair
Oswald Norton – Vice –Chair
Sherwin O’Bar – remaining as Treasurer
Elijah Gullixon – Regional helper
The regional committee now is spring to spring having been changed from the fall.
Paul is doing outreach to Canada and will attend the Errington, BC, gathering on October 19 as a SICA outreach initiative to connect Subud communities in the bioregion with the Cascadia Poetry Fest which he founded and which happened at the Subud House and Seattle U back in May. The 2015 fest happens in Nanaimo, BC, an hour south of Errington.