October 4, 2015 Minutes Subud Bellingham/Skagit Valley

From Serena DuBois:

October 4, 2015 Minutes for Subud PNW at Bellingham / Skagit Valley

Present: Paul and Nadia Woodcock, Rosalyn Neel, Roosmiwati Reynolds, Helaine and Rainer Burrows, Robina Page, Serena and Michael DuBois, and Julia Hurd

Meeting called to order by chair Michael DuBois with a few minutes of quiet.

Minutes of the March meeting were read and approved by the members. Nadia brought up the question of a board meeting at our Subud house, and Michael will take it to the next phone meeting. He stated he had brought it up before. Minutes are approved unanimously.

Treasurer’s Report: Paul passed out an Income/Expense year-to-date sheet. Every year we end up hundreds of dollars less than the year before. Bird walk brought in $890, which included some donations. Paul stated that he paid for Susila Dharma and Subud Pacific Northwest to the end of the year .

Michael’s Report:  Family Camp had a net loss of  $1000, most likely because National Gathering was held the same weekend.  The region has reserved the Labor Day weekend at Camp Indianola for next year. Michael has conveyed our invitation to the region that we would host a board meeting but no answer has come back.

Helpers Report: Roosmiwati spoke with Luciana and she is doing well. Rosalyn is leaving October 5 for another house sitting job and will be back the following Tuesday. Nadia reminded us of Rasjad Lints’ blog. Group would like to send a “Thinking of you with our prayers” card to the Lintses.  Rosalyn is currently the only active women’s helper.

Old Business: House Maintenance: Lawn has been mowed. Michael unplugged the sink. Paul: we need a diagnosis and repair of the house. Rosalyn spoke with Marston who said money from the Mohammed Subuh foundation didn’t need to be for Eco grants. Robina said we needed to be lockstep with the region who wasn’t clear about it either. We need to get estimates and a good evaluation to give to the Region.  Discussion ensued as to what to do next, with Robina, Michael and Paul saying they would work on finding someone to look at the house and give us an estimate.  Rosalyn suggested Marius Harold in Portland who is in the trade, and said she would call him. Serena suggested another meeting before the end of the year to carry on with all this.

New Business: Bird Walk. Tentatively decided on Feb. 20th. Rates will stay the same. If someone comes up with a van they can come in free. More to follow later.

Robina suggested doing tour cars for Tulip Festival. Will add to next meeting’s agenda as new business.

Set next Kedjiwaan day for the November 1st here at the Subud House and the next general meeting for December 6, 2015.

Meeting dissolved before Michael could adjourn it.

December 6, 2015 MEETING AGENDA: Bellingham-SV Group

Approve October Meeting minutes (see above)

Treasurers report Paul,


    Regional and other news [Michael and whoever??]
Julia — Personal

Helpers report

Old Business

House maintenance, specifically gutters and drain pipe 

New Business

2016 Birdwalk

Anything else??

    Set date for next event

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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls. www.paulenelson.com