Eastside Latihan Ending!

Hi All,

There will be no eastside latihan this Friday 11/25, the day after Thanksgiving at our rented facilities at the  Bellevue First Congregational Church .

Further to that, as of December 30, 2022, Subud Greater Seattle will no longer rent latihan space from the church.  Friday latihans will end!

We who have been attending regularly came to this conclusion because of two reasons:

  1. So few of us attend most weeks.  Of late, only 5 members have been able to attend regularly — two couples and one man. If one of the couples cannot attend, then we usually cancel for that week. This has meant we’ve used the facilities only approximately 60% of the time over the last 51 weeks.
  2. Because  we sometimes cancel for the reason mentioned, those who come sporadically are confused by when there will actually be others there with whom to do latihan.

We will contact the church on December 1 to discontinue our rental after the end of December.

December Eastside Latihan Opportunities

For those of you who would like one last opportunity to use these facilities, we will be opening the building on the following dates only: December 2, 9, 16, and 30 (no latihan December 23).

Quiet time starts at 7:45.

Doors are locked at 7:55.

Latihan begins at 8 PM.

Thanks, Oswald Norton

Writing on the behalf of regularly attending members of the eastside latihan

Halstein Stralberg 1993

Halstein Stralberg Obituary

Halstein Stralberg passed away peacefully on Sunday November 6th, 2022 in Seattle, Washington due to heart failure.

Halstein was born to Sigurd and Randi Strålberg with the given name Arne on May 12th, 1939, on a farm near the town of Farsund in southern Norway. His early years were marked by the German occupation of Norway during World War II, with his parents actively participating in the resistance movement. He was the oldest of four children (brother Sverre and sisters Ragnhild and Inger). Due in part to their isolation, Arne spent much of his early childhood playing alone and developed a life-long streak of independence and self-reliance. He loved the outdoors and could spend hours by himself walking or skiing in the forests and mountains.

Halstein (then Arne) was a precocious child who excelled in school, especially in math and science. As a teen, he experienced himself as “different” from his peers and began searching for a spiritual path that would help to “fix” what was wrong with him. While studying mathematics at the University in Oslo, he heard about a new spiritual movement called Subud that was starting to spread from its beginnings in Indonesia to the western world. With very little money he made the trip to England in 1958 to be “opened” in Subud, at the age of 18. The profound experiences he received in Subud would shape the rest of his life. He was given the name Halstein by the founder of Subud, known as Bapak (“father” in Indonesian).

After finishing an undergraduate degree in Math, Physics, and Astronomy, Halstein obtained a Master’s degree in Mathematics. Soon after, he got a job with Norsk Hydro, a large Norwegian energy company, where he developed computer programs to improve aluminum production operations. He soon became well regarded for his ability to understand business problems and develop analytical models that would lead to better decision-making or improved processes.

In Subud, Halstein was an early “helper” in the Oslo group. He was known for his ability to get along with most people, being impartial in helping to solve conflicts and giving objective advice to members. Halstein met his wife, Ida, in Subud. They were married in 1964 and became a lifelong team, their marriage lasting 58 years. The Subud experience guided them to move from Norway to Los Angeles, California in 1968. Halstein felt that, despite his promising career at Norsk Hydro, moving to California would allow him more freedom to be his true self.

After moving to Los Angeles, Halstein and Ida eventually settled in the Sunset Park neighborhood of Santa Monica, where they lived for 45 years and raised four children (Diana, Daniel, Sylvia, and Adriana). While Ida took care of the house and children, Halstein found work at a small consulting company called Universal Analytics, where he worked from 1970 to 1999. He worked for another 20 years after that as an independent consultant specializing in mail sorting operations, leading him to work up until his 80th birthday. He was well regarded in his field and eventually became a trusted expert witness in large postal rate case proceedings.

Although his home was his sanctuary, Halstein also transferred his love of the outdoors to southern California and spent much of his free time hiking in the Santa Monica Mountains, walking on Santa Monica beach, and cycling and running long distances around town. He competed in many 10K runs, became a health nut, and tended a backyard vegetable garden. He was fortunate to be healthy and mobile for the great majority of his life. In 2013, Halstein and Ida moved to a new home overlooking Lake Washington in Lake Forest Park, Washington, to be closer to two of their children and six grandchildren. There he continued his habit of long daily walks as long as his health permitted.

Halstein’s professional achievements notwithstanding, most would say that he made his biggest mark on the world as a Helper in Subud. He held local, regional, national, and international positions multiple times each, and as a result traveled extensively in Latin America and got to know many Subud members around the world. Possessing a good ear for languages, he taught himself Spanish in order to connect more meaningfully with Spanish-speaking Subud members, and he took any opportunity to practice his Spanish with friends and strangers alike. His spiritual presence, keen sense of humor, and big smile will be greatly missed.

Halstein is survived by his wife, Ida, four children (Diana, Daniel, Sylvia, and Adriana), and eight grandchildren (Simone, Emily, Charlotte, Layelle, Dale, Iris, Rozaria, and Maeve). He also leaves behind a brother, Sverre, two sisters, Ragnhild and Inger, and a large extended family from the Strålberg and Birkeland families in Norway.

A Memorial Service for Halstein will be held at the Seattle Subud House (Spring Street Center), located at 1101 15th Ave, on Sunday January 22, 2023 starting at 1pm.

Join the SICA-USA Board of Directors!

At our annual kedjiwaan retreat at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center members of the SICA-USA board Lawrence Pevec, Kristiana Kalab and Fayra Teeters were present. They participated in many of our workshops and also asked that the following information be posted in all Subud Centers throughout our region.

SICA-USA is seeking members with interest in expanding the cultural wing of SUBUD.
If you want to work with a great team toward a strong mission, please let them know and they will start the process.

How do you want to participate in SICA-USA?
. Organization: Fundraising, Visioning, Join the Board
. Activities: Event Planning, Blog Contributions
. Archival Interviewing: Video, Photography, Sound
. Grants: Dream Projects to expand the definition of culture
. Donate monthly to SICA-USA
. All of the above!

Please send your interest, including your name, your genius and talents, and any other feedback you want to communicate, to the email and/or address below:

Rosana Schutte/SICA-USA
618 Conner Creet Drive
Fishers, IN 46038


Our Subud brother, Halstein Stralberg, has passed!

From Daniel Stralberg,
Halstein Stralberg
1939 – 2022
Pappa may your soul be free and find its way to its true home.
You were my father, and also my Subud Brother, Guide, and Mentor.  I owe so much of what I am to you.
You were 100% dedicated to Subud for 64+ years, and were universally loved and respected by Subud members around the world.
You did the work that was in front of you without complaints, was always generous with your time, and was always honest and fair.
I was often a little too serious and you knew exactly how to lighten me up when I needed it most with your wonderful laugh.
A life well lived.
I will miss you.
Link to photos of Halstein over the past fifty years or so!

We are having a party!

An Invitation to Gather at Spring Street Subud Center after Latihan on
Sunday, Nov. 6

The Subud House has been reserved for the exclusive use of Subud members on the first
Sunday in November (the 6 th ). Let’s get together and meet, eat, and share our creative selves!
Here’s what those Committee members and Helpers who talked about the day propose:
1. 11AM Latihan
2. General meeting (committee-led agenda, also including visioning by all)
3. Potluck lunch
4. Open Mic – time to share music, poetry, prose, other creative offerings (sign-up sheet
day of event)

A day of simply getting together to enjoy each other’s company sounds good! Please add it to your calendar.



Sunday, November 6, Gathering at Subud House

An Invitation to Gather at Spring Street Subud Center after Latihan on
Sunday, Nov. 6

The Subud House has been reserved for the exclusive use of Subud members on the first
Sunday in November (the 6 th ). Let’s get together and meet, eat, and share our creative selves!
Here’s what those Committee members and Helpers who talked about the day propose:
1. 11AM Latihan
2. General meeting (committee-led agenda, also including visioning by all)
3. Potluck lunch
4. Open Mic – time to share music, poetry, prose, other creative offerings (sign-up sheet
day of event)

A day of simply getting together to enjoy each other’s company sounds good! Please add it to
your calendar.

Many Thanks to Jim O’Halloran, Rayma and Oswald Norton for their work November 13th on the Fall Cleanup at the Subud House.

At long last, Menucha is back!

Menucha Pond by Rachman Cantrell

The PNW Regional Helpers would like to invite all members to join us in the beautiful Columbia River Gorge for Menucha November 10-13, 2022.

This is the first Menucha since 2019 and it’s time for us to be together once again for Latihan, camaraderie, community, workshops and entertainment. After this hiatus, who wouldn’t benefit from the opportunity to fill our inner cups? Please consider joining us, we’d love to see all of your beautiful faces!

Registration is open until October 15, 2022.

With Love,
Rosalyn Neel: 360-949-2577
Rosetta Koach: 503- 628-6357
Daniella Gleeson:
Margarite Charney: 541-840-4333
David Lynch: 360-742-6211
Albert Palmeter: 503-662-8202
Leonard Dixon: 360-998-6417