Let’s keep our Gathering Safe for All

Menucha looking West photo by Rachman Cantrell

Menucha looking West photo by Rachman Cantrell

As we prepare for our 2022 Kedjiwaan Gathering at the Menucha Retreat and Conference Center, we present these guidelines for keeping attendee’s – and those hosting us – as safe as possible.

  • If you are sick, please stay home.
  • If you’ve already been vaccinated, please get your updated booster well in advance of the event.
  • All attendees who wish can wear masks in meetings and at latihan. Masks will not be required, but will be available on-site
  • Menucha has developed a detailed set of guidelines to ensure the well-being of all guests and staff. It included practices for all attendees to adhere to before we arrive, during our time there, and, after we return home. We are required to follow them.
  • Please read these guidelines and follow them so that we may continue our good relationship with this valuable venue. Link to guidelines.

Menucha Reminder from Nirel

Dear Subud Members,

I wanted to remind all of you who are thinking of attending our 2022 SPNW Kedjiwaan weekend at the Menucha Retreat and Conference center that there a couple of deadlines if you wish to join the 41 who have already registered.

1) All registrations must be completed by October 15th – in 23 days from this notice.

Click on the Event info page to see information about the event including fees.

Click on this link to the Event Registration Form to register.

2) All those who register and requested and paid for “special meals” you must complete the Alternative Diet Request form as soon as possible. This form goes directly to Menucha and must be submitted no later than October 10. Here is the link to that form.

If you’re still thinking about attending, please ask yourself:
How will I feel if I miss out on this important gathering after it not being available to us for the past 2 years?

Those who are organizing this event ask for your prayers that we may be successful in our attempts to serve the members.

Halima Collingwood with Hanafi Libman. Together they hosted our past Entertainment Nights

Halimah CollingwoodThe Menucha Experience

For over 20 years, I have driven the 400 mile/7 ½ hour excursion from Arcata to Corbett, a small town along the Columbia Gorge east of Portland, Oregon. The Fall Foliage is enticing to someone from Redwood Country. The cool and sometimes rainy climate feels like home to a Northern Californian, but that is not what draws me and other members of Subud California.

There is something magical in the atmosphere of the Menucha Retreat Center starting with Wright Hall, the original structure, built in the 1920’s “Northwestern architectural style.” The dark wooden beams and railings are imbued with Spiritual resin, creating a presence that draws out the most intimate expressions from those of us sharing during the morning circle and experiencing the liberation of the latihan.

As with many Subud gatherings, there are workshops – some serious, some playful but always with an inner content that sooths the soul. And we get to suggest them and vote on them. So organic.

If you haven’t experienced this safe and loving, intimate atmosphere that strips away our boundaries, it’s time you did. This is an opportunity to make new friends and build community – it isn’t like any other Subud event you have attended. The dates are November 10-13, Thursday through Sunday. Do come.

Halima Collingwood with Hanafi Libman. Together they hosted our past Entertainment Nights

Halima with Rosana Schutte having Entertainment night fun.

Can you support a Subud Member attending the 2022 Subud PNW Kedjiwaan event?

Donations from members who can give more than their registration amount have always been a part of our annual Kedjiwaan Gathering at the Menucha Retreat and Conference center. It’s allowed hundreds of members over the years to attend this weekend of renewal who didn’t have the financial means to pay.

With the increase in charges from Menucha that the region has had to add to our minimal registration fee, the need is great this year.

4 Ways to donate to our Assistance Fund:

1. Add Donation when you register. There is a box at the bottom of your summary labeled “Assistance Fund” (see example). You can include your donation there. Just be sure to enter the amount before clicking Complete Registration button.

2. Add member to your own registration: If you are coming this year, and you know that there is someone who just can’t afford to, you can gift them their registration by paying for their registration at the same time you register yourself.

3. Gift member their registration: Do you know someone who would love to come to this event, but doesn’t have the funds? If you can’t come this year, due to your inability to travel, why not gift someone you know would love to be here by registering them and paying their way to this event. Just use the registration form to do so.

4. Donate directly to the Subud PNW Menucha Assistance Fund: If you can’t attend but don’t know of anyone to support, you can contribute directly to our Assistance Fund. Please click this link to be taken to the Donate Page for Subud PNW where you can either pay by PayPal or by sending a check directly to our Subud PNW regional Chair Sherwin O’Bar.

Notes from Jim

1.  Subud Pacific Northwest will host a Zoom social on Sunday, September 25th at 1PM.  More information to follow.
2.  Be sure to register soon for Menucha, November 10th-13th. All registrations must be completed and paid in full by October 15 .

Note from Jim

We have two events coming up, a Kedjiwaan day this Sunday the 11th, and Menucha

For our Kedjiwaan day of Sunday, September 11,we will have a  talk Bapak gave at Wisma Mulia.   It is less than an hour   We can listen to it right after latihan, gathering at the women’s latihan hall.  Traditionally  men have sat one side and women on the other.
After the talk we will have a potluck lunch and then whatever we feel to do….play a game, chat, test…hang out..
Menucha will be November 10-13th.  More information here:

Updated Mask Policy

Updated Mask Policy

1.  We do not insist that everyone must wear a mask while we meet inside, even though most of us continue to wear masks during group latihan, for our own protection and for the protection of those we come home to; and

2.  We do not check anyone’s vaccination status before allowing them to participate in group latihan.

Flexibility with responsibility…
We are not obligated to wear a mask, it is up to us, but be considerate and respectful. Like when  having a cough, to please wear one.
We need to be sensitive to our beliefs, but also be “normal” as Bapak always reminded us, and also respect the science.
There are members whose health or those of their families are fragile and need to wear a mask, so as to not expose their family to anything they may be exposed to when in the presence of other people.
Comments from another helper:
several senior helpers in Indonesia received that viruses originate from the animal life forces and while we do group latihan, our whole being and the atmosphere in the room is enveloped and protected by the higher forces, so nobody would need to be worried about anybody else during the group latihan.  That’s why at least several groups in Indonesia like the Sleman group never wore masks during group latihan, and nothing ever happened to any of them.  When I tested about this for myself, my receiving was the same as that of those Indonesian helpers.  Other helpers in the country and in other zones also felt that the receiving of those helpers was right.  The rest of you can explore this in testing if you want.  Of course, there’s also the two other issues with wearing masks during group latihan that I mentioned in my previous email, namely the freedom of movement and the fact that even one’s breath needs freedom to be purified in the latihan.
 IBU RAHAYU’S guidance issued 2 years ago: Her advice was/is to follow our government and science guidelines and mandates.