Regional Congress Updates
SPNW is soliciting proposals for the regional congress May 15th in Portland.
It would be ideal for those proposals to be in the hands of the congress chair, Oswald Norton, by April 15, only 3 days away.
Member Proposal Format
- Summary: What is the proposal about? What will be done, by whom, how, over what period of time? What is the problem/need? Who will the outcomes benefit?
- Statement of Need: What is the issue that you are addressing and why does it matter? Why is what you propose necessary? What is the void in Knowledge? Who benefits?
- Project Activity, Methodology and Outcomes: Why did you choose to address the issue in the manner that you have? Are there other approaches? If so, why aren’t they appropriate to the situation? What are the specific activities involved? Who will do them?
- Evaluation: Essential piece that should be both quantitative and qualitative, if feasible. Outline clearly the methodology that you will use to assess the project’s success.
- Dissemination: Dissemination should be linked to your project goals and objectives. If you are trying to affect policy, your dissemination plan should target policy-makers, media, and affected populations. Describe your communication strategy.
- Budget and Continuation Funding: Show your budget in table form and use a budget narrative to explain each item.
Please also consider testing how you might serve our region.
The outgoing chair has offered to mentor the incoming chair, and the board members of each center will not change.
Test questions on serving the region will be provided by the Regional Helpers to center helpers on May 1st. Local helpers will then offer to test these questions with members after latihans leading up to the Regional Congress. All members are encouraged to participate in this testing.
Shall the Congress Include a virtual Component? – Please Respond By Friday
All current members of Subud PNW should have received an email asking them to consider a change to our current bylaws to allow for a virtual – as well as personal – attendance. Please see the article on the Subud PNW website for more details. Please Respond By Friday!
New Info! Eastside Latihan, etc.
Eastside Latihan!
Dear Brothers and Sisters,
We have been renting facilities from the First Congregational Church of Bellevue throughout the 2000’s. Gradually the attendance at these latihans has dropped to only a couple of couples and one member coming on a regular basis. When we were gone for two and 1/2 months, the concern was that only one couple would attend. And so, it was decided to suspend these latihans.
At our first meeting coming out of COVID-19 lockdown, our General Meeting In July, I asked the group if it was time to abandon these latihans and end renting this facility. At that meeting there were 8 people who said that they would attend regularly. And yet they have not.
So, does it make sense to continue this rental? For the next two Fridays – April 8 and 15 – we will see who attends, and if it’s just the five of us, we will then decide what makes sense as far as continuing to rent on the eastside.
Thank You, Oswald
Regional Congress – Sunday, May 15th, 2022 – In Portland
Subud Portland will host the PNW Regional Congress on Sunday, May 15th, 2022.
It will be a hybrid meeting, partially in person, and partially on Zoom. Latihan will proceed normally at 10:15 AM, followed by testing by the Regional Helpers.
Subud Portland will provide a light lunch. In order to plan for this, those wishing to have lunch are requested to RSVP by May 1. Please contact Morris McClellan to sign up for this lunch.
The Regional Congress will start at 1 PM. Main Agenda Items:
- Reports
- State of Our Centers – Committee & Helpers
- State of The Region – Committee & Helpers
- Financial Report
- Testing for the new committee
The major agenda item is to select a new chairperson and treasurer. Hadidjah and Sherwin O’Bar have been serving in those two positions for a very long time and are ready to move on.
We will cease to function as a region without members willing to serve in this regional capacity. Please consider for yourself if regional service might be right for you at this time.
Ramadan info
Ramadan 2022 starts on sundown of Saturday, April 2nd lasting 30 days and ending at sundown on Sunday, May 1.
Qadar and Latihan
As Bapak has said before, the power that works in the latihan kedjiwaan is also the Qadar from God, for it is present not because you will it or strive for it but only because you surrender to the One God. Only through surrendering to God are you able to receive even the outer expression, the form, the cover or skin of the Qadar.
At present you receive movement and energy. You make various kinds of movement, but not because you decide to. That is, so to say, the outer form, the wrapping, the skin.
The content is the Qadar of God.
So, follow the way of the latihan, which you have received, with patience, trustful acceptance and sincere submission. And you also need to practice fasting every year, so that you can receive the content of what you have received in the latihan. Bapak does not say definitely that if you keep the fast you are sure to receive it, no. But the fact is that this fast will make you able to receive it. So, it was in Bapak’s own experience. Bapak’s first receiving happened to be in the month of Ramadhan, after twenty days of fasting. Bapak says it “happened” that way because he did not know why it was so. And Bapak’s receiving stopped on the day of the feast (at the end of Ramadhan.) So, after thirty days of fasting, what Bapak had received came to an end, and he later channeled it to other brothers and sisters.
Thus, as Bapak said before, what we call traditions-which are only followed as a matter of custom-have causes which we really should know.
One cannot come to know the inner, the feeling, without receiving the Qadar of God. Thus what we experience in the latihan kedjiwaan just touches the outside, the skin. It does not yet reach the content. The content is what we need, and the content is the Qadar of Almighty God . Plainly, brothers and sisters you are still a long way from this in your latihan kedjiwaan; and you need to go on doing the latihan, because its content-the Qadar-is from Almighty God. So beside doing your latihan faithfully you need also to fast.
Tjilandak 11/71
This is how it is, brothers and sisters, and so it is very useful for people to do this fast. And it really is right to take as an example and it really is right to follow what has been said by those who have received, the people who have been able to receive the qadar from God.
Well, brothers and sisters, these are the benefits and the results of the fast you have been doing. It does not matter if you have not yet been aware of its benefits or results. For probably the fast you have been doing cannot yet be counted as a hundred per cent fast, but is still just ten per cent or five percent. Thus the qadar is still slight.
But even so, brothers and sisters, don’t think that if that is all it amounts to, that it would be better not to fast. Don’t be like that. Little by little we add to it. If we add five percent to five per cent, and do that ten times, it comes to fifty per cent. that is and example of how it may be. That may be hoped for.
Brothers and Sisters, the fact of the matter is that development is always going on, and we must have it in us. If a thing lacks development, then it is something that will not change, for this something is characterized by apathy. It is like a stone that is always there, year after year. If it is like that, it means that the course of the era comes to a halt.
So as time goes on, as this century goes by and for the centuries to come, there must always be development, and we must keep pace with it. That is how it is, brothers and sisters; and this building up is no new thing, but is really a necessity for mankind. For God never stops building. If God stops building, there would be no progress. Because of this, brothers and sisters, don’t fall back. We must go forward. We must develop; develop everything needed for our life in this world.
So, clearly then, brothers and sisters, this developing is a quality of the human self, if people will put it into practice and really put their inner feeling to the test. And the way to put it to the test and to put it into practice is, for the people of Islam, the fast.
Thus this fast, brothers and sisters, truly is to test us, truly is to be put into practice, so that we may be able to receive and feel what we ought to do, and also what is that foundation of our inner feeling that is usually called one’s talent. One will not be able to discover one’s talent, or be able to know what it is, if one does not carry out or make any practical test of one’s own self. The way to test one’s self, as Bapak repeats once more, is through the fast.
Like a Rusty Knife
Thus the fast is something important for your lives, for our lives-meaning that prihatin is important for life. Avoiding the fast, avoiding prihatin means that we are like a knife that we never sharpen, or like clothes that we never wash. It is just like that. Thus after a while the clothes actually smell, smell bad; after a time the knife rusts. Once the clothes smell or the knife is rusty then no-one else, and not even oneself, will want to use them, will want to posses them. This is how it is, brothers and sisters.
Hence many people become irritated and fed up with themselves, and resentful about, for instance, how business is always bad, how the cooking is never any good, how they can never look nice, hard though they try-that sort of thing.
Why is this? Because of what has just been said. They never put themselves to the test, never give their inner feeling any practice. And the way to give the inner feeling practice and to test it is the way Bapak has just been speaking about-through fasting and prihatin.
That is how it is, brothers and sisters; so we already have something like an instinct that we are, as it were, obliged to fast every Ramadhan; and this is a lesson, a reminder, that is not only important but truly useful for our lives.
But, brothers and sisters, as Bapak has just said, don’t then just fast for fasting’s sake, which means you think you are fasting so long as you do not eat or drink-but that you can have a drink if you are thirsty. Don’t do that. The fast must be done properly, even though it is not done, say, for the whole of the thirty days. Yes, it may be for ten days, but it must be a proper fast. Thus if you do fast you will feel it, you will feel it. Bapak will show you a little about this later on, brothers and sisters.
Bapak uses the words puasa (fast) and prihatin (self-denial.) Puasa and prihatin mean the same. Only, to fast every Monday and Thursday by way of prihatin is called a minor prihatin, whereas to fast in the month of Ramadhan is a major prihatin. That means fasting for the whole month, the full thirty days.
The will of God for mankind, as it has been decreed, is that it is enough if people do their prihatin-that is, the fast-for one month in the year. Thus out of the twelve months, one is used for prihatin. That is enough.
So God wills that people should not force themselves by fasting and really doing prihatin all the time, by the seashore or in the mountains or on top of a mountain. It is enough if people fast for one month in the year. Just that.
Post from SICA International
I’d like to briefly share this talk Bapak gave in Pamulang shortly before he passed on.. Feel free to copy.
Message from Mardiyah!
Group News!
Please keep those donations coming+!
Archives Interview Weekend
On March 4, 5 & 6, the Subud USA Archives interview project came to Seattle. Two experienced interviewers, Benjamin Boyce and your humble narrator, working closely under the auspices of the SUSA Archives project, interviewed several long-time Subud members about their experience in Subud, how they found out about the organization and what practicing Latihan has meant for their lives. The schedule was packed:
5:00 – Paul Nelson with Benjamin Boyce
10am – Jim and Lucinda O’Halloran with Paul Nelson
11am – Elisha Gullixson with Paul Nelson
12N – Sebastian and Lorraine Tedrow with Paul Nelson
2pm – Evan and Annie Padilla with Benjamin Boyce
3pm – Halstein Stralberg with with Benjamin Boyce
4pm – Daniel Stralberg with Benjamin Boyce
5pm – Halimah Bellows with Benjamin Boyce
12N – Danela Mauguin with Paul Nelson
1pm – Sebastian Tedrow and Chuck Cary with Paul Nelson on the founding of Subud Greater Seattle and the acquisition of the Subud House
2pm – Hanafi Libman with Benjamin Boyce
Benjamin and I were at the house at 3pm Friday and got things set up. Benjamin’s equipment is perfect for a job like this, it seems to me, though my expertise is audio. We did an interview with me to use as a test run and it came out good. the interviews are rich and touching and it was a lively weekend which aided our community’s harmony. This is incredibly important as we come out of the pandemic. There were people in attendance who had not been to the Subud House in years. I had a moment of very deep gratitude before the interview with Chuck Cary and Sebastian Tedrow. Chuck talked about the metaphysical community in Seattle and how that community was the seed of how Subud Seattle got started. Back then Vancouver, BC, was part of our region and the first Seattle folks got opened by Ronimund Von Bissing. The Quest Bookstore, a Theosophical bookstore that is still open on Capitol Hill, was part of that 1959 milieu. Sebastian is the man most responsible for acquiring the Subud House in 1974 when he was 25 years old!
I loved most of all my time with Danela Mauguin. Her recall of specific things is remarkable and she was magnificent. On Monday she celebrated 57 years in Subud! Some members needed gentle redirection. The Tedrows required only one question during their interview!
I think having two interviewers is an excellent way to go about these things, so one can get a break. It is an intense experience and requires very high concentration. To aid recall, I have added a question that I did not ask this weekend, about the Subud friends people had/have. This could lead to stories. Since these interviews will not be made available to the general public like some other interviews being done at this time, encouraging interviewees to say anything they want, to be as “woo-woo” as they want, would be something I would encourage.
Spreading out the interviews to allow for some down time is critical. I believe we should tape in the Men’s Latihan hall next time, because the bathroom and a kitchen are connected and the background is unimportant. I think interviews with all members should be encouraged as it could be a time capsule in a way and be a record of where members are, what they are about, at this time.
I want to say that we have been discussing this project for a long time and now that it is here, I am filled with gratitude for this community and awe at how much work the SUSA Archives committee has done to make this happen. I pray that we can continue this in an harmonious way, keeping our eyes on the end game which is creating open spaces where Subud people of all ages can talk about their experiences with this remarkable practice and community. Benjamin got some wonderful photos.
Ramadan is coming!
Month of ancestors begins March 3, and Ramadan will begin April 2. Many test to determine how they should observe these events.
Ramadan 2022
Ramadan this year will begin April 2. While Subud members are not required to observe Ramadan, there can be many benefits for those who do and many Subud members do observe it as a way of reevaluating their lives and connection to the divine.
There was a great post on the Subud California site last year with many tips, including those for the “inner fast” which is a good idea for anyone, not just people observing the month-long ritual. They are:
Fasting includes the following restraints or abstentions:
- Do not use your ears to listen to gossip, quarrels or bad words.
- Do not use your mouth to say anything wrong or unkind.
- Do not use your emotions to reach the emotions (passions) of others.
- Do not use your eyes in a way that is not good or nice.
- Do not use the heart or mind to imagine or think about unhappy things, fantasies or unrealities.
- Do not eat or drink or smoke between dawn and sunset each day.
Ideally, couples refrain from having sexual relations during the whole month, or, if they cannot do that, at least during the hours of the fast.