SUSA Archive Interviews

Subud USA is helping the SUSA Archives project conduct interviews with long-time Subud members in Seattle, March 4-6, 2022. These interviews are to focus on one’s life in Subud and Subud experiences. Benjamin Boyce and Paul Nelson will be conducting interviews and the schedule is below. All interviews will be conducted in the women’s Latihan hall at the Seattle Subud House.


5:00 – Paul Nelson with Benjamin Boyce


10am – Jim and Lucinda O’Halloran with Paul Nelson
11am – Elisha Gullixson with Paul Nelson
12N – Sebastian and Lorraine Tedrow with Paul Nelson
2pm – Evan and Annie Padilla with Benjamin Boyce
3pm – Halstein Stralberg with with Benjamin Boyce
4pm – Daniel Stralberg with Benjamin Boyce
5pm – Halimah Bellows with Benjamin Boyce


12N – Danela Mauguin with Paul Nelson
1pm – Sebastian Tedrow and Chuck Cary with Paul Nelson
2pm – Hanafi Libman with Benjamin Boyce

The archives project is prioritizing older members. We expect there will be future weekends when interviews are conducted for those who were missed the first time. All interviews have been confirmed by the interviewers and the SUSA Archives project, led by Lucas Boladian and Matthew Clark, with the assistance of Laura Paterson.

Ibu Rahayu has asked that these interviews not be made available to the general public, which of course includes posting on Facebook and other social media sites. The SUSA Archives committee is doing everything possible to ensure these interviews are conducted and presented in the best way. Individual members are asked to refrain from conducting interviews without working in concert with the SUSA Archives effort, which has been going on for almost two years and has taken care to address legal, ethical and other issues in the best way possible.

Eastside Latihan temporarily canceled!

Eastside latihans will be canceled until April first, when two of our key Eastside members will be returning from California.
==We have a Treasurer!==
Dalton Allen has graciously and generously accepted the position.  In addition, we will be interviewing bookkeeping services to lighten the load.
Expect a general meeting and a garden party in April, times and date to be determined.

Video Interviews with Subud Members!

A while back I had a dream in which I was setting up to do video interviews with Subud members.  When I woke up I had a strong feeling to investigate the idea as a project.  Soon the national committee had heard about this idea and were behind it 100% and Paul Nelson has agreed to help make it happen!  I would like to start with those of us in the Seattle group so if you are willing to be interviewed please let me or Paul know.  The idea would be to do it after latihan on a Sunday or other latihan days.   Many of us are growing old and may not be around too much longer.  We need to get this done!

My thoughts on the interview project.

Goals of the interviews:

  1.  Preserve as best we can, through stories and experiences, the essence and meaning of the Subud Latihan.
  2.  Keep for future generations memories of Bapak and early Subud history.
  3. Record, if possible, the essence of spiritual experiences within the videos themselves.
  4. Make available to the general public segments of videos that would help the growth of Subud in the future.

How it would work:

  1. First option would be direct one on one in-person interviews which would require someone to go to the interviewee’s home or have them come to another location.
  2. Option two would be to do videos via Zoom or another similar source.  This would work well in long distance interviews which would be difficult to do in person.
  3. Another possibility is to do the interviews at a Subud event, national or regional congress, local group, etc.

My idea for option one is to ask for volunteers in different groups who would be willing to do the interviews locally and to provide them with interview questions, equipment or help as needed.

Option two could be done online via Zoom with members who may be hard to reach in person.

Paul Nelson, Matthew Cooke and Halimah Collingwood, along with several others, are professional interviewers and may be willing to help in this project.

Option three is probably the first to get started.

I don’t believe it is necessary to invest a lot of money in equipment for doing the interviews.  A cell phone with a good quality camera would work well provided it was close to the interviewee and in a quiet location with no interference.

Sample Interview questions:

Name, date and place of interview, age, contact info.

How long have you been in Subud?

How did you find and come into Subud?

What helper or committee jobs have you had in Subud?

Have you had any outer or inner experiences or memories related to Bapak?

Have you had any other spiritual experiences due to being in Subud?

Have you noticed any outer benefits from doing the latihan over the years?

What effect has Subud had on your outer and inner life?

Have you seen or experienced many changes in your latihan or outer life while being in Subud?

How would you value your overall Subud experience?

Would you agree to have parts of this interview available to other Subud or prospective Subud members?

Rachman Cantrell


Message From Jim

First, a very belated thank-you to Alexa for making and providing surprise gifts for everyone who came to the holiday party!

Second—you guessed it—we are STILL looking for a treasurer.  We will be interviewing bookkeeping services next week, so that should make the job far easier than it has been in the past.

Third, ways to donate:
Donation boxes, one in the Men’s Hall and one in the Women’s quiet room
Send a check made out to ‘Subud Pacific Northwest at Seattle’ to 1105 15th, Seattle, WA 98122
Set up a recurring payment to Subud PNW-Seattle Center and have it sent to Subud PNW-Seattle center 1101 15th Seattle WA 98122
Thank you!

Donation Boxes in each Hall

Be sure to make out checks to Subud Pacific Northwest at Seattle. You can also mail to Subud Greater Seattle at 110115th, Seattle, WA 98122.

Oh, and yes, we are still in desperate need of a Treasurer!

One donation box in men’s hall.

One donation box in women’s quiet room.

We Still Need A Treasurer!

Subud Seattle needs a treasurer!

The really good news is we now have a chair (Jim O’Halloran), a vice chair; and a secretary (Alexa Wichert).
Even more good news-we are intending to hire a bookkeeper to do the books for Subud Pacific Northwest, Subud Portland, and Subud Seattle so the local treasurers’  burdens for the region, Seattle, and Portland will be much lighter.
Oswald left the books in great shape with excellent documentation and will be happy to help train a new treasurer if that person would like any guidance.  Also, Happy 50th wedding anniversary to Sebastian and Lorraine!  Be sure to ask about their totally epic wedding travels in a huge blizzard!

Subud Seattle needs a treasurer!

Subud Seattle needs a treasurer!

The really good news is we now have a chair (Jim O’Halloran), a vice chair (Ramon) and a secretary (Alexa Wichert).
Even more good news, we are intending to hire a bookkeeper to do the books for Subud Pacific Northwest, Subud Portland, and Subud Seattle so the local treasurer’s  burdens for the region, Seattle and Portland, will be much lighter.
Oswald left the books in great shape with excellent documentation and will be happy to help train a new treasurer if that person would like any guidance.
The time commitment will be much decreased from the current situation.  Oswald would be happy to speak to his time investment so you know it will be less than that!
Please step up!  The group and committee need you!
Jim O’Halloran
*{Note from Rachman}  My very first job in Subud was shortly after I was opened. I was given the job ‘assistant treasurer’ in the San Francisco group, even though I knew nothing about how to do it!  Years later I was also treasurer of Subud USA for a while back in the day, also without knowing anything about bookkeeping, etc.  The benefits of both jobs were way more than the work I put in and working and becoming friends with the rest of the committee were very valuable lifelong blessings!
I recommend the job!

Outcomes of Testing for Committee January 9th

The General Meeting of Subud Greater Seattle took place on Sunday January 9th, with in person and virtual attendance. Testing for Chair resulted in another term for Jim O’Halloran. Testing for Vice Chair resulted in the choice of Ramon who served as Secretary for the past two years. The Dewan is in need of a Secretary, and possibly a Treasurer. Please consider helping Jim and Ramon by volunteering!

Eastside Latihan

There are only a few stalwart souls doing Latihan on the Eastside on Friday nights. Won’t you join in so that they are not all alone? Quiet time is at 7:45, with Latihan starting at 8:00. One more man and one more woman helper would also be greatly appreciated. If anyone has never gone, it takes place at Bellevue First Congregational Church of Christ, 11061 NE 2nd Street, Bellevue, 98004. All Subud brothers & sisters are welcome!

Rachman’s General Meeting Report

I was participating via the Zoom format so this will be a very limited report!

Thanks to everyone who participated in the general meeting today, especially Paul, who made it possible for me to understand, in part, what was being said by transcribing and interpreting comments!  Sorry I missed a lot (most) of the comments due to difficulty in hearing and understanding the words.  I think the acoustics in the room are not very good for the Zoom format.  Hopefully a solution can be found if we have future meetings in this way.  In all, I think it was an interesting experiment and a step forward in new Subud technology, although maybe not new in the rest of the world!

From what I could hear and understand, the meeting went smoothly and proceeded with the selection of a new (old) chair, Jim O’Halloran and vice-chair, Ramon.  Congratulations Jim and Ramon!  There were various reports and comments, most of which I could not hear or understand, but it all seemed to work out with good results in the end!   We agreed as a group to give money to SICA USA and Susila Dharma.  We managed to get through the testing in a relatively smooth and timely manner with mostly unanimous results.  We had a very thorough treasurer’s report from Oswald which hopefully will be included in the minutes.  Unfortunately, I was not able to hear or understand it but the impression I got was that we are doing okay!

Thanks to Jim, for being willing to continue as chair and thanks to Ramon for stepping up as
vice-chair!  Also, thanks to Annie for agreeing to take on the treasurer job and Alexa for her
willingness to serve on the committee!  Thanks to Elisha and Rayma for the very interesting
helper reports and to everyone else who contributed!
Regarding the Eastside latihan, it was decided to continue with the rental even though
attendance has been very minimal. Hopefully attendance will increase in 2022 with new
commitments from those who voted to continue the rental!
Thanks again,