We now have donation boxes in the women’s quiet room and men’s hall, so you can drop off your donation if you like.
We now have donation boxes in the women’s quiet room and men’s hall, so you can drop off your donation if you like.
Photos from our Christmas party, 12/12/21! A good time was had by all, we enjoyed great food and Alexa (Santa Claus) gave presents to everyone! Click the link to see the photos!
We have reserved the WHOLE HOUSE for the Holiday Party this Sunday (December 12th) after latihan. The party will be a potluck, so please bring a dish to share, as well as your family, and a friend if you like. We will also be collecting cans of food for the food bank. It will be so good to see all of you! I will be going to the house on Saturday at 4:30 to set up, so if anyone wants to help that will be appreciated.
The Dewan Vice Chair attends all Dewan meetings. He or she helps the Chair by taking on some duties that the Chair chooses to delegate. In this Dewan, that has been weekly communications with our Greater Seattle community via emails which then appear on the Subud Greater Seattle web site. Each week I talk with our Chair about what we want to communicate, and then create posts on Tuesday which go out to our membership early Wednesday morning. The new Chair and Vice Chair will determine which roles each will assume, but this is what we have done this term. I will be happy to train whoever takes over the weekly eblast, and there is also a detailed written description of how to do it.
Our holiday potluck and party is right around the corner, December 12th after Latihan. As you’re figuring out a dish to bring, don’t forget that we will be collecting canned goods for a local food bank, so please bring a can or cans to contribute. Bhakti will be doing some preliminary setup at 4:00 on December 11th, and it would be great if a few people wanted to help. Please let me know by email or phone if you would like to help.
Our own Halimah Bellows is having shoulder surgery December 14th. She will appreciate our thoughts and prayers.
Last week Debbie and Ricardo replaced all the batteries in the inside alarms, CO2 detectors, and locks. Thank you both for helping keep the house safe and well-maintained!
This week a big thank you goes to Ricardo for picking up leaves around the Subud house and redistributing them on the garden beds. Not only that, but for cleaning the gutters and installing a new lock on the outside of the women’s latihan hall.
We appreciate your hard work, Debbie and Ricardo!
The chair (with active collaboration including the rest of the committee) will do these things to help insure a smoothly functional group:
o Regular review of maintenance/ life expectancy schedule for building and important components
Communicate with helpers, committee, members, wings and support personnel.
Attend regional meetings monthly via Zoom.
Keep everyone informed – members, board, helpers, regional committee, etc.
How much time does this entail? A rough guess would be about 8 hours monthly.
What helps?
A fully populated dewan committed to working together, with division of duties.
Documentation provided by previous dewan.
Advice from former board members and helpers
Testing: What are the needs of the group at this time? How should I be to perform these duties at this time?, etc.
Jim O’Halloran
On Saturday, December 18th, at 10 am your committee will be having its last meeting as a committee before our January 9th General meeting and selection of new officers at Spring Street Center. In this meeting I will present my final annual summary financial report for 2021.
In the days before this committee meeting, I will be working on pulling together data for and then creating the report for the Committee meeting, along with my monthly SGS Treasurer Financial Report.
It occurs to me that those of you considering becoming our next treasurer might be interested in following along in this process. For those interested, I will create a summary process that we can review in a short zoom session. If you’re interested in participating, please contact me.
Here are some of the immediate needs new treasurer will need to address other than the financial report:
I have prepared documentation for these and other areas which it would be helpful to go through with the new treasurer before I leave town on January 10th, the day after our general meeting.
Please note that there will be no Eastside Friday latihan on Dec. 24 and Dec. 31 due to Christmas Eve and also New Years celebrations. Eastside members wish you all a wonderful holiday!
Marston Gregory