Where Have Disrespectful Partiers Led?

Last month we experienced an unfortunate incident where someone rented the house and used it for a party, resulting in a major mess and angry neighbors. Karen Hunt of iTrip Seattle reported to the Dewan on Saturday on steps that she has taken to make sure such a situation does not arise again. Here are the steps she has taken:

1. She has installed another camera, which will record people entering through the garage.

2. She is installing a device which will monitor how many wifi or bluetooth devices are in the house, as well as heat sensors to detect how many people are there.

3. She has talked to the neighbors who were affected by the noise, given them her number, and let them know that she will personally respond to complaints.

4. She is looking for a security company that would handle and eviction, if that were to be necessary.

5. She has written a negative review of the person responsible for the party, and is seeking $2,000 in damage reimbursement.

A cleansing Latihan has been scheduled for the house Tuesday September 7th after the regular men’s Latihan that day. Men attending Latihan that day are welcome to join the cleansing Latihan. 

World Subud Association – Annual Report

Dear All,

Last year, as I was writing the annual message, the pandemic was already in full swing, affecting our lives in general, and our Subud lives in particular.
Alas, things have improved only marginally, and parts of the world are now suffering the worst of it. We continue to be tested in ways that were unimaginable only 18 months ago.
Latihans in many countries are limited, with members having to do their latihan at home on their own.
The International Helpers have not been able to travel, of course, and that limited the ability of the WSA to serve you as we would like. International gatherings planned for 2020 had to be canceled, and all essential meetings migrated online – not just meetings of the international bodies, but also many national congresses.
The international congress had to be postponed and is now scheduled for early January 2024.
If there was a silver lining, it was the increased attendance at these online / Zoom meetings by members who otherwise wouldn’t normally attend. Working online allowed the organizational side to continue, and a lot of useful work has been done.
In the likely scenario where our ability to travel remains curtailed for a while yet, I would like to encourage everyone to join us as observers – at least at the quarterly World Subud Council meetings. We welcome your interest in the work of the Council, and it has never been as easy to observe our work.
We are encouraged by our ability to keep in touch and support each other during this dark, long winter, finding that our organization is resilient and capable of handling the crisis.
Please stay safe and healthy, take good care of each other, and hopefully we shall all meet in person soon.
Nahum Harlap
WSA Chair

Women’s Tuesday Latihan

There are three Tuesdays when Spring Street Center was already rented before women’s Latihans returned. Those three dates are next Tuesday, August 17, August 31, and October 5. What does this mean? The upstairs restroom will not be available those days. Women may use the restroom downstairs, off the men’s hall,  before or after Latihan.

Philip‌ ‌Quackenbush’s‌ ‌Music‌ ‌Live Stream

Message from Salamah O’Brien

Subud Members…

Log into to hear Subud Brother 

Philip Quackenbush’s Music

Friday, Aug 6, 2021 – 6:30 pm

via livestream on

St James Cathedral Vimeo & Facebook pages:

Hear Cathedral Guitarist

Mark Hilliard Wilson

Offers a program with

Preludes & Fugues of

Seattle Composer Philip Quackenbush

(1936-2014) and other works!

(Photo by Rachman Cantrell)