Rayma Norton will be the helper for Tuesday women’s latihans at Spring Street Center. Latihan will begin at 10 AM, and will be available July 27, Aug. 10, Sept. 14, and Sept. 28. Watch here for future dates.
Thanks for Gardening!
You’ll notice that the Spring Street Center yard is looking much neater this week after the gardening party on Sunday. Thanks to Elisha Gullixson, Dalton Allen, Jim O’Halloran, Lucinda O’Halloran, and Bhakti Watts for help on Sunday. Special thanks to Ricardo Santos for the special trip he made on Sunday to fix a sprinkler that was not working.
SGS Financial Report – July
If You Haven’t Donated, Now Is The Time
Your committee appreciates everyone’s financial support. Even though Spring Street Center is able to provide some of our income needs. It is not able to cover all costs. Your donations, on average, cover only 51% of our costs.
Our goal for 2021 is to have everyone contribute something toward the upkeep of our center. By giving a little each month, you become a part of a membership dedicated to preserving our building for future Subud members. If you have not yet donated this year, please do so! If you need a reason to donate, please read the rest of this report. Thank you!
Future Expenses
We are making progress in saving for our next big project: Repairing the siding on the South side of our building.
We’ve received $1895 in earmarked donations from members toward this effort. We are also setting aside $3000 of the income received from our iTrips rentals toward the project.
With $4895 set aside for this effort we have $17105 to be raised before the project can begin.
Building Repairs Fund
We are grateful for members who would have contributed – over and above their regular contributions – to this fund.
iTrip bookings for the remainder of the year will be able to cover some of our costs, but we anticipate that we will need additional contributions from the members. Earmark these donations for the building fund.
Building Rentals
We had 10 rentals in July bringing in rental income of approximately $6,500. This will be deposited in August after the income statement is finalized. From the income received, we will retire $2,000 of our debt to Subud PNW, leaving us with $3000 of that loan to repay.
We have not yet begun Hall Rentals.
Donations through July 23rd included one large donation to the building repair fund..
Thank You to all who contribute. We hope that members who have not donated previously will now consider joining those who do so already.
If you believe we can handle our expenses through member contributions, please consider this:
On average this year, donations have covered roughly one half of our expenses. The rest has been covered by our enterprise. Every dollar donated by a member is appreciated.
Important! New name for donation checks to Subud Greater Seattle
Use only “Subud PNW – Seattle Center” on any future donations to our center. Bank rules, recently changed, are delaying deposits. Please be sure to change the “Pay To The Order Of” section of your handwritten or automatic withdrawn check from your account and use this name. If you intend to make your donation to the Region, please earmark your check Subud PNW.
Thanks for those who have setup monthly donations
Thanks to all our monthly donators who have a recurring donation sent from their bank. You save on envelopes and stamps. And, you don’t have to remind yourselves to write a check. These regular checks really help us meet our monthly commitments to the region and pay for our use of our facilities.
If you’d like to know how to set up a recurring donation to our group through your bank, please contact me.
Save the Date – December 12th!
December 12th is the date of our SGS holiday party! We were not able to gather last year, so this year will be extra special. We hope you can be there!
Weeding Party Sunday July 25th
Please bring some garden tools to Latihan on Sunday and help to beautify Spring Street Center’s landscaping after Latihan. Let’s show our yard some love!
Are you planning to attend all or part of Menucha November 11th-14th? Hadijah OBar, Chair of Subud PNW, would like to know by July 31st so she can make some decisions regarding how many buildings we need. Please let her know if you plan to attend, and if so, how many nights you will be staying. Her email is hadijahobar@comcast.net
Holiday Party?
Do you have a preference for the date of our Subud Greater Seattle Holiday Party? We are looking at either December 12th or 26th. Please email Jim at ojim1@blarg.net
Eastside Latihan
There was quite a lot of interest at the General Meeting in Eastside Latihan going back to in person. Stay tuned for a firm date, but right now it looks like it might begin in August.
Hadijah OBar is asking for Subud members to let her know by July 31st if they are planning to attend Menucha this year, November 11-14th, and for how many nights. Wright, Creevey, Boyd, Ballard, the Hideaway, and the Barn have been reserved for this year, but if we let Menucha know soon enough that we won’t need that much space, we can let a building or two go without a penalty. Please contact Hadijah OBar at hadijahobar@comcast.net
SPNW Financial Meeting
SPNW has been asking for extra donations to cover a current shortfall. If you are interested in hearing the details of this shortfall, please attend a Zoom meeting this Sunday July 11th at 1:00. Here is the information to join: