Free Tickets!   Last Regional Kedjiwaan at Menucha!  General Meeting!  Annual Meeting and Selection of New Officers

We have five free tickets to the Cascadia poetry Festival.
They will be available first come-first served.  Please contact our Subud Brother Paul.
General Meeting!
Sunday, October 29th after Latihan, agenda coming soon!  We will meet in the Womens’ hall as we will not have access to the entire house.
Annual General Meeting and election of officers Sunday January 14, 2023, after Latihan.
Please consider testing if you should be the next chair or vice chair.  The previous committee has served since January 2017.  It’s time for a new committee.  The current members are happy to provide history, context and guidance.
Regional Kedjiwaan Registration will be open for another 12 days for the Subud Pacific Northwest gathering.  The last one at Menucha.
Message from our SPNW Vice Chair, Honora Drew:

“It is exciting to see the names as registrations come in.  If you join us, you will see folks who haven’t been to a gathering in a while, and some who are fairly new to Subud.  Come find renewed community, deepened Latihan’s, and new conversations.   Help us honor this wonderful place one last time! “We’ve opened up more slots in the Barn and there is still space available in Ballard and Wright Hall. We’ve priced this year’s event to make it more affordable for our members to attend this last event at this location. All day passes allowed by Menucha are sold out, but “Top Bunk” (Economy Dorm) and Barn places are still available for just a little more money. (you can sleep elsewhere) 3 days for only $285, or 2 for $180.

To see pricing for this event, please use this link.

To immediately register for this event, please use this link.

Subud PNW Kedjiwaan Gathering Registration closes in 14 days

As of this writing we have 63 members who have registered. Every day more and more people register as we enter into the last 14 days before registration must end so that we can provide the attendee count to the conference center.

Message from our Vice Chair, Honora Drew:
“It is exciting to see the names as registrations come in.  If you join us, you will see folks who haven’t been to a gathering in a while, and some who are fairly new to Subud.  Come find renewed community, deepened Latihan’s, and new conversations.   Help us honor this wonderful place one last time!”

We’ve opened up more slots in the Barn and there is still space available in Ballard and Wright Hall. We’ve priced this year’s event to make it more affordable for our members to attend this last event at this location.

All day passes allowed by Menucha are sold out, but “Top Bunk” (Economy Dorm) and Barn places are still available for just a little more money.( you can sleep elsewhere) 3 days for only $285, or 2 for $180.

To see pricing for this event, please use this link.
To immediately register for this event, please use this link.

Financial Assistance Applications end Tuesday 9/26!
Please apply now for financial assistance by using this form. Financial Assistance applications must be completed by 9/26! All assistance is tested and can this can take a little time to finalize.

Questions? write to us at:

Speaking of Financial Assistance – More donations needed!!

When you register, please consider making a donation to the Assistance Fund so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.

If you prefer to donate to the Assistance Fund via check, please send your check to:
Morris McClellan
3127 NE 103rd Pl
Apt. B
Portland, OR 97220-2866 

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)

2023 Kedjiwaan Meeting Message From the Pacific Northwest Regional Helpers to EVERYONE!

Regional Helpers at this weekend’s Planning Retreat for our Kedjiwaan weekend. Pictured L to R: Rayma Norton, Albert Palmeter, Rosalyn Neel, Nathaniel Gottumukkala, David Lynch, Daniella Gleeson. Not pictured: Margarite Charney and Halima Brugger (new regional helper this weekend)

We welcome and encourage every Subud member to attend this year’s kedjiwaan gathering at Menucha.  No matter whether you’ve come to Menucha before or not, please consider this a special invitation to spend time with other Subud brothers and sisters from this region and beyond.  We hope this year, our last at Menucha, will be a time of renewal.

We’d love to see people of all ages experience Menucha.  This year, we’re creating a Youth Assistance Fund dedicated to helping younger members afford to come.  If you’d like to attend but are short on funds, please apply for help covering the cost using this link.

If you’re in a position to make a contribution, we welcome your donation. Please use this link to donate.

We hope to see you at Menucha in November!

Your Regional Helpers’ Group
Aakarsh Gottumukkala
Albert Palmeter
Daniella Gleeson
David Lynch
Halimah Brugger
Margarite Charney
Rayma Norton
Rosalyn Neel

Subud PNW Kedjiwaan Gathering November 9-12. Space Still Available

Young members attending our 2022 Event

Michael, Leandra and Haakon at 2022 Event
Photo by Rachman Cantrell

Thank you to the 54 people who registered early for our “Farewell to Menucha” kedjiwaan gathering.  Don’t miss out on the chance to create your own experience!

Space is still available. The dates are November 9-12.
Registration closes October 9th.  Reserve your spot now!

We still have economy spaces and couples’ rooms (in Beam up the hill from Creevey). All day passes allowed by Menucha are sold out, but “Top Bunk” (Economy Dorm) and Barn places are still available for just a little more money.( you can sleep elsewhere) 3 days for only $285, or 2 for $180.

To see pricing for this event, please use this link.
To immediately register for this event, please use this link.

Financial Assistance
Please apply now for financial assistance by using this form. Financial Assistance applications must be completed by 9/24! All assistance is tested and can take a little time to finalize.

Questions? write to us at:

Speaking of Financial Assistance – If you can, please donate when you register!
When you register, please consider making a donation to the Assistance Fund so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.

If you prefer to donate to the Assistance Fund via check, please send your check to:
Morris McClellan
3127 NE 103rd Pl
Apt. B
Portland, OR 97220-2866

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)


Reports from the National Congress

Reports from Subud USA Congress

Oswald Norton SD-USA Board member 

Our SD-USA AGM meeting went smoothly with about 50 SUSA members in attendance to observe and vote on:

  • To watch our video report on our 2022 year in review, please see this link.
  • Selection of new vice chair, secretary and board members.
  • Ratify our changes to the old bylaws.

Our meeting was led by our new vice chair, Michael Barber.

Marston Gregory, delegate for SPNW to the SUSA Congress. 

I can report that the Subud USA National Congress in Maryland was from my view a great success on all levels.

The hotel we stayed at was excellent in all ways with great food, good meeting space and close to three local airports.  We selected a full committee with Philip Lindstrom continuing as Chair and Simon Curran (Ohio member) as the new Vice-Chair.

Philip Lindstrom and Simon Curran

Each day had up to three latihans with lots of testing.  I went representing MSF as a trustee and it was helpful, the three Trustees: me, Elaina Dodson, and Lucian Parshall were able to meet face to face plus give a short MSF report.

I also was a delegate for Subud PNW, and a quorum was easily met due to high attendance of about 200 members and many delegates.

All Saturday events were at the newly renovated Amani Center where we all bused to view the upgraded Twin Oaks House for lodging and the new Archives Center in the main building.

Many events happened, including a Subud East Coast short congress and the Susila Dharma USA annual meeting.  All events were well attended.

One positive note from Subud East Coast was that many new members were opened during the Pandemic and we’re now working to make them feel connected.

I was very grateful for the careful planning of the National Committee and the hard work onsite to make it all come together so well.

Lambert Needs Help!

Lambert has had his surgery – it was more extensive than originally thought – he had to have open heart surgery and needed 1 valve repaired and the 2nd replaced.  He is recovering slowly but each day is a little better.  If anyone in the group has time to offer him rides to his medical appointments (he cannot drive for 6 weeks) or care to bring him some food or order it on uber eats or door dash, this would be helpful as he cannot cook or drive.

Thanks so much!


Care Calendar link below.  Sign in with security code 7996.

Registration for our Fall Kedjiwaan Gathering at Menucha are going fast.

Day passes are sold out and half of the couples-oriented rooms are gone.

We are considering renting another building (not Creevey) on the property. If many of you want couples-oriented rooms onsite but removed from Wright Hall, you can help us by sending email to, with Subject: Couple’s Housing

The planning team listened to the feedback from last year’s attendees and made changes in response:

    1. There are cheaper alternatives
    2. All rooms are closer to Wright

To see pricing for this event, please use this link.
To immediately register for this event, please use this link.
Book now for the best accommodations.

Photo courtesy of Rachman Cantrell

Need financial aid, wait to register and see section below.

Help those that need financial aid to attend. Donations Please!
As in past years events, we are anticipating that there will be some needing assistance. In order to help these members, we’ve created an opportunity for you to contribute to this fund. When you register, please consider making a donation to the Assistance Fund so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.

If you prefer to donate to the Assistance Fund via check, please send your check to:

Morris McClellan
3127 NE 103rd Pl
Apt. B
Portland, OR 97220-2866

Needing Financial Aid?
If you’re needing financial aid, please wait to register. We encourage those who need financial assistance to fill out a request form here. All requests for financial must be completed by 9/24. Requests will be tested by the Regional Helpers and those requesting aid will be notified by 10/1.


  1. We are opening registration on August 8th to allow those wishing to attend 60 days to register. All registrations (including day passes) must be purchased by October 8th and be paid in full at the time of registration.
  2. All prices listed are per-person. No rooms are charged by room, although these are intended for couples. You may register up to 4 people at one time.

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)

Questions about the event can be made at

Article in SICA-USA about the Jim O’Halloran Septet with guest poets including Paul Nelson

Sundays in Seattle 11:00AM
Tuesdays in Seattle 10:00AM
Thursdays in Kent: 6:00 PM, currently just men, but there is room for Women also.
Thursdays in Seattle, Men only (currently), 6:00 PM
Frequent Thursdays on the Eastside, Men and Women, dessert and conversation after the latihan, 7:30 PM, contact Rayma, Rachman, or Oswald.
Fridays on the Eastside, 5:15 PM, currently Women only, but there is room for men also. Contact Annie.

Helper’s Corner

Forwarded by Nathaniel.

From The Experiences of Mas Sudarto Martohudojo

(Page 17) After a visit to Bapak at Semarang, lasting 3 days, I felt a
change in my inner feeling and I could not sleep before 2 o’clock in the
night. I remembered Bapak’s advice: “If you can’t sleep, that is the
sign that your soul wants to exercise.”

(Page 26) When I was still in Jogjakarta, there was a certain period of
time, when the latihan was held in Bapak’s house, and it was after 0.00.
am at night. The members who intended to do the latihan were advised to
do latihan on their own for at least half an hour before entering the
general latihan in order that the general latihan could proceed.
smoothly. This period lasted for more than one year. I followed the
latihan regularly. Usually, it was my turn to do the latihan at about
02.00 a.m. but one time my turn was at 02.30 a.m. so that it finished
exactly just before dawn (meaning the time when the Muslims do their
morning prayer). I began to feel later on that in fact latihan after
2.00 at night gave a different effect from latihan before 12.00
midnight. When I told this to Bapak he gave me the following
explanations: “When we held the latihan before 12.00 midnight, its
pressure is heavier because there are many people who are still awake.
Usually when people have not gone to sleep, they are thinking of this and
that, and every man who is thinking is sending waves of vibrations so
that the atmosphere is filled with all sorts of thoughts, desires and
wills, and such atmosphere is really the cause of the heavy pressure.
That is why those members who hold their latihan at midnight or late at
night can feel more compared to those who do the latihan before 12.00
midnight. “Another advantage of post-twelve o’clock latihan is so as to
get used to not letting our hearts be overcome by sleep. When the Inner
Self is already strong it will be capable of keeping aside these
pressures so that it will no longer depend on time and place. That is
why Bapak regards it as still necessary for all of you to do the latihan
late at night.”
