Prayers Needed!

My son Lambert is having heart surgery on August 23rd.  He has a leaky valve and it needs to be either repaired or replaced.  I am asking our brothers and sisters to pray for him to have a successful surgery and speedy recovery.  He will be at the Swedish Cardiac Unit (Cherry Hill Campus) for about 5 days and then sent home.  Visitors would be most welcome.  If anyone plans to visit, please text Lambert directly 206-612-2962 to make sure he is up to it.

Thank you.

Halimah Bellows

Subud PNW 2023 Kedjiwaan Gathering – Nov 9th to 12th Is now open – Closes in 60 days

Photo by Rachman Cantrell

Registration for our Fall Kedjiwaan Gathering at the Menucha Retreat and conference center is now open.

To see pricing for this event, please use this link.
To immediately register for this event, please use this link.
Need financial aid, wait to register and see section below.

What’s changed due to Menucha’s price and policy changes?

  • Buildings available to us: Wright, Ballard, The Barn (for 2 or 3 nights) and Boyd (Boyd for 2 nights only)
  • This year we’ll have five “deluxe” couples-oriented rooms
  • All plans must include meals. And, no cooking will be allowed in The Barn.
  • Only 8 commuter spots allowed for only Friday and Saturday. These spots had to include meals.
  • After the 8 commuter spots are filled, for only $75 more we’re providing 15 “commuter plus” spots – only for Friday and Saturday and including an upper bunk if you want to stay over Friday night.
  • All rooms rates include bedding.
  • There will be no Gift Shop.

What’s not changed?

  • The great group latihans
  • Insightful testing
  • Inspiring conversations
  • The breathtaking view above the Columbia Gorge.
  • The grounds in and around the Menucha Conference and Retreat Center
  • And, fabulous entertainment, reflective solitude, and a welcome opportunity to take a break from the rigors of everyday life.
  • The joy of spending relaxed time with your PNW Subud community and neighbors
  • There will be the Portland Susila Dharma Silent Auction

We hope you will join us for this extraordinary weekend. You’ll be glad you did!

Help those that need financial aid to attend. Donations Please!

As in past years events, we are anticipating that there will be some needing assistance. In order to help these members, we’ve created an opportunity for you to contribute to this fund. When you register, please consider making a donation to the Assistance Fund so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.

If you prefer to donate to the Assistance Fund via check, please send your check to:

Morris McClellan
3127 NE 103rd Pl
Apt. B
Portland, OR 97220-2866

Needing Financial Aid?

If you’re needing financial aid, please wait to register. We encourage those who need financial assistance to fill out a request form here. All requests for financial must be completed by 9/24. Requests will be tested by the Regional Helpers and those requesting aid will be notified by 10/1.


  • We are opening registration on August 8thto allow those wishing to attend 60 days to register. All registrations (including day passes) must be purchased by October 8th and be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • All prices listed are per-person. No rooms are charged by room, although these are intended for couples. You may register up to 4 people at one time.

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)

Questions about the event and financial aid inquiries 
can be made at 


Helper’s Corner

Forwarded by Nathaniel.

From The Experiences of Mas Sudarto Martohudojo

(Page 17) After a visit to Bapak at Semarang, lasting 3 days, I felt a
change in my inner feeling and I could not sleep before 2 o’clock in the
night. I remembered Bapak’s advice: “If you can’t sleep, that is the
sign that your soul wants to exercise.”

(Page 26) When I was still in Jogjakarta, there was a certain period of
time, when the latihan was held in Bapak’s house, and it was after 12
am at night. The members who intended to do the latihan were advised to
do latihan on their own for at least half an hour before entering the
general latihan in order that the general latihan could proceed
smoothly. This period lasted for more than one year. I followed the
latihan regularly. Usually, it was my turn to do the latihan at about
02.00 a.m. but one time my turn was at 02.30 a.m. so that it finished
exactly just before dawn (meaning the time when the Muslims do their
morning prayer). I began to feel later on that in fact latihan after
2.00 at night gave a different effect from latihan before 12.00
midnight. When I told this to Bapak he gave me the following
explanations: “When we held the latihan before 12.00 midnight, its
pressure is heavier because there are many people who are still awake.
Usually when people have not gone to sleep, they are thinking of this and
that, and every man who is thinking is sending waves of vibrations so
that the atmosphere is filled with all sorts of thoughts, desires and
wills, and such atmosphere is really the cause of the heavy pressure.
That is why those members who hold their latihan at midnight or late at
night can feel more compared to those who do the latihan before 12.00
midnight. “Another advantage of post-twelve o’clock latihan is so as to
get used to not letting our hearts be overcome by sleep. When the Inner
Self is already strong it will be capable of keeping aside these
pressures so that it will no longer depend on time and place. That is
why Bapak regards it as still necessary for all of you to do the latihan
late at night.”

The complete book is available by subscribing to Subud Voice.

World Congress New Dates


Jakarta, 23 July 2023 

Members of the World Subud Association,  

The Chair of Subud National Organizations 

Dear Brothers & Sisters, 

We trust that you are all in good health and spirit. 

The World Subud Council Periodic Zoom meeting held on the 2nd of July 2023 was broadcast live via the WSA YouTube channel, and the topic of Subud World Congress 2024 was discussed. At the meeting, the Council members unanimously agreed to propose an alternate date for the 2024 World Congress (originally planned for January). This is due to January being too close to the Indonesian Presidential election in February 2024, which requires reinforcement of national and regional police to safeguard the democratic election process.  WSA therefore could not get a guarantee from the Government that we would be able to obtain the required event permit for the Congress at least six months beforehand.  

Based on intensive consultation with the Government and discussion with representatives of your Zones and the Council members, we propose the next World Congress in Kalimantan to be held on 18th – 28th July 2024. The national presidential election in Indonesia will take place in February 2024, so the Subud World Congress would be shifted from January 2024 to July 2024, with WSA now seeking to obtain the required permit for July. Depending on the delegates program, the exact dates may shift by one or two days as the program development evolves during preparation by the World Congress Organizing Team. 

With the next World Congress moved to July 2024, the term of duty for the current International Officers of the Subud organizations will extend for one more year. 

Regarding the Zone Representatives, who are appointed by the Country Members of the respective Zones, the WSA recommends that the current Zone Representatives continue to serve until the coming World Congress to preserve the continuation of work and coordination that has been developing during this term. However, WSA will respect any other decisions taken by the Country Members concerning this matter. 

Consequently, all deadlines in connection with the submission of proposals and applications, as indicated in the Guidelines for the 16th World Congress, will also shift following the new proposed starting date of the World Congress, 18 July 2024


Suyono Sumohadiwidjojo 

Subud Seattle Video from 1987!

One of my first videos from 1987, with embarrassing takes from a gathering at the Maynard’s Easter party, various kids, visitors from England, Susila Dharma meeting, etc. and many Subud members from Seattle at the time.  This is a way to see ourselves as we were back then!  Click the link to see the video and feel free to fast forward through the boring parts!  

The Subud PNW 2023 Kedjiwaan Gathering – Nov 9th to 12th

Note from Rachman:  It seems Menucha’s new management has taken a hardline stand on some fairly drastic changes that are listed in the announcement below.  I talked to Oswald about it, and it seems after much negotiation that the new policy holds and therefore, the reason this will most likely be our last Menucha event.  Registration material and pricing will be forthcoming.


Probably last one at Menucha

Our annual kedjiwaan retreat has been held at the Menucha Retreat and Conference center for over 30 years. Menucha experienced existential challenges during the pandemic and for this year’s event. Your committee has worked hard to secure this site for what will likely be one last visit by Subud PNW. For nearly-all packages, rates are the same or cheaper.

Please plan to attend November 9th to 12th.

What’s changed due to Menucha’s price and policy changes?

  • Buildings available to us: Wright, Ballard, The Barn (for 2 or 3 nights) and Boyd (Boyd for 2 nights only)
  • This year we’ll have five “deluxe” couples-oriented rooms
  • All plans must include meals. And, no cooking will be allowed in The Barn.
  • Only 8 commuter spots allowed for only Friday and Saturday. These spots had to include meals.
  • After the 8 commuter spots are filled, for only $75 more we’re providing 15 “commuter plus” spots – only for Friday and Saturday and including an upper bunk if you want to stay over Friday night.
  • All rooms rates include bedding.
  • There will be no Gift Shop.

What’s not changed?

  • The great group latihans
  • Insightful testing
  • Inspiring conversations
  • The breathtaking view above the Columbia Gorge.
  • The grounds in and around the Menucha Conference and Retreat Center
  • And, fabulous entertainment, reflective solitude, and a welcome opportunity to take a break from the rigors of everyday life.
  • The joy of spending relaxed time with your PNW Subud community and neighbors
  • There will be the Portland Susila Dharma Silent Auction

We hope you will join us for this extraordinary weekend. You’ll be glad you did!

A link to our registration will be available on August 8th. Stay tuned for that information in this publication or click on the link to Subud PNW’s website on August 8th.

Donations Please!

As in past years events, we are anticipating that there will be some needing assistance. In order to help these members, we’ve created an opportunity for you to contribute to this fund.

When you register, you will have an opportunity to donate to our Assistance Fund. Please consider making a donation at that time so that those who need assistance can share this wonderful weekend with us.


  • We are opening registration on August 8thto allow those wishing to attend 60 days to register. All registrations (including day passes) must be purchased by October 15 and be paid in full at the time of registration.
  • Most prices quoted are per person, several rooms that are best for couples will by charged by the room. You may register up to 4 people at one time.

Cancellation Policy:  Registrations may be cancelled until October 15 with a full refund less a $50 administrative fee. After October 15, no refunds will be made unless your room/day pass is resold to another registrant, in which case a refund will be issued minus a $50 administrative fee. ($40 for day pass refunds)

Questions about the event and financial aid inquiries can be made at 

The Helper’s Corner

This is a new segment.  It was asked that the helpers make a contribution each month to the newsletter.  Thanks, Aliza for getting it started!

Concerning the spread of Subud, sharing online comments from Subud brother, Sebastian van ‘t Hoff.

“As regards the spread of Subud, here are some snippets which formed my attitude on this subject.

Once we had a question-and-answer session in Sydney where people asked Ibu Rahayu what we could do to bring more people to Subud. (Unfortunately, this session was not recorded, so, I will have to go by what I remember.) Ibu said that because there are hardly any members yet who have the qualities of Susila, Budhi and Dharma, it was no use for God to send hundreds of people to Subud as they would be unimpressed with us and leave soon after they were opened. She advised us to work on improving our own latihan first and leave the rest to God.

Interestingly, she mentioned God “sending people to Subud.” This confirms what many of us have observed, that so many seem guided towards the latihan. I have never seen anything come from willful approaches and creative schemes to actively get in more members, however well-meant these were. This approach too often seems to forget God’s role in this. Bapak once said that if it was only up to us, Subud would never have spread so quickly and to so many countries, in the late fifties. Clearly there is something at work here which goes far beyond us.

The spread of Subud in Ukraine and Malawi in recent years, are examples of this. Emmanuel Aronie and Ruslan Moore (and before them, Rofe) were given a role by the Almighty to help the spread of Subud. None of these men asked for this or willfully followed their desires in this. They were “chosen” for this job. Contrary to what some people believe that nowadays we need to avoid religious connotations in Subud, in the case of Ukraine, the majority of the members are Christians and in the case of Malawi, all are Muslims.

Several of us might also remember Mas Adji saying that after Bapak died, Subud would go through a dip, but he could see that in the future there would be certain Subud members of a high spiritual level around whom flourishing Subud groups would arise. This might be related to the well-known story of Varindra’s dream about the 40 stars, Bapak explaining that there are 40 high souls on their way to help Subud. Recently we tested what we could do to help the spread of Subud. I received that I should be deeper in myself, more surrendered in my latihan and in my daily life and closer to God. Perhaps it meant that if I am in that state, people might be naturally attracted to me, God willing. Others had similar receivings. Anyway, I thought I’d share this with you. Peace and blessings to you all.”

Selamatan for the Davila’s in Portland

Message from Subud Portland.

As many of you know, our very dear Subud siblings, Ralph and Luzita Davila, both died within a week of each other in Santa Cruz, California.  They were married for over 50 years and in Subud for some years longer.  Those of us who knew and loved them are having a selamatan on Sunday, July 23rd at the Portland Subud house after latihan at 11:15.  If you would like to share a memory, that would be wonderful. Feel free to bring some snacks or treats to share.

For those who have not heard the word, a selamatan is a time of coming together in feasting and thanksgiving after a death. We will not be following any rituals, but simply gathering together in memory of our beloved friends.  All are welcome.

07.01.2023 Dewan Minutes

Dewan Meeting Minutes July 1, 2023 Saturday
Jim O’Halloran                          Chair
Ramon                                       Vice Chair
Alexa Wichert                           Secretary
Daniel Stralberg                       Treasurer
Rayma Norton                          Woman’s  Helper
Elisha Gullixson                        Men’s Helper
Nathanial                                   Men’s Helper

Meeting called to order 12:25pm
Check In
Review Agenda
Alexa moved that we accept the 6.3.23 minutes, Ramon seconds.  Approved unanimously.

Kejiwan Day with testing, potluck, listening to talk, no agenda…perhaps combined with a general meeting in May? or perhaps scheduled for each month on the 3rd or 4th Sunday of the month? should this be a regularly set scheduled event?
-will purchase MAC adaptor until we need it
-alexa take photos of ceiling cracks in women’s hall & send to Jim for yearly monitoring
-Paul Lowe is working with Marston on Lower Kitchen Counter Bid
-powerwashing bids will be sent to Jim and online voting on bids will happen w committee
-jim to purchase fence post caps
-debbie is going to test karen’s heaters/air conditioners/bracketts and test them out
-ramon to set up calendar
-oswald’s ask for 1 x donation
Men’s Helper Report:
-in progress:  setting up voice mail
-steven & jackson & others join for latihan on Thursday
     a privacy concern about zoom/skype/live stream ’sounds/at the material level/vibration can bring other influences’ coming through the phone
     david lynch willing to turn volume down during latihan to address concerns
     Ibu’s official reccomendation is to have “simultaneous latina’s with socializing afterward”
Women’s Helper Report:
Rayma: will try to put a women’s helper report of some sort each month or more/contribute to newsletter before helpers meetings for the Eblast for subud greater seattle
rayma scheduled for 7.3.23
nathanial scheduled for 7.10.23
intermittently Thursday east side Latihan had 8 attended
next one is:   JULY 20, 2023 is the next upcoming at Cantrell’s + dessert social
How to let people know where and when is the challenge
Tuesday’s Women’s Latihan at 10am
House reserved 2nd Sunday of each month for Kedijiwan Day
July 9, 2023   testing, social
How often is Kedjiwan Day:  1 x per month for spiritual life/babak talks
General Meeting is quarterly:  1x per quarter for functional decisions
Opening Sunday May
Reggie, may need assistance getting to latihan
Jackson: comes to Thursday & Sunday latihans
Adam:  just opened and received
Daniel’s Financial Report:  DEFERRED
  • Debbie will clean interior windows in women’s latihan hall – soon
  • Karen will send pictures of her airconditioning units she will donate to Subud
  • Trees:  plan to nurture currently planted trees to encourage growth and future shade
  • DISCUSS AT GM:  basement kitchen discussion needed:  desires, budget, scope, use, awning outside….etc
  •  new queen size mattress will be purchased with Debbie’s Subud Credit Card.  the card limit is $400. (iTrips extended the offer to utilize their cc to defray the debt on our income being taxed)
  • all rugs cleaned DEFERRED
  • post caps JIM WILL GET TO IT
  • new rug in, Andy Wichert fixed the inner door and committee installed
Nathanial:  friend’s massage business idea tabled til September.
A motion to adjourn was made by Alexa and seconded by Jim.  The motion carried unanimously.
Meeting adjourned at 1:36pm
Respectfully submitted by Alexa Wichert 7.1.2023