Subud Women Helpers
October 2015
Recently both members and helpers have expressed concerns about respecting the practice of quiet before and after latihan. The recommended practice is to be quiet for at least 15 minutes prior to beginning the exercise (latihan), and at least 5 minutes after we finish. This means, Please, no talking in the latihan room before and after the latihan. Exceptions are when one of the helpers makes an announcement before or after latihan or initiates talking after the latihan. Please be considerate of others by using a quiet voice and/or whispering in the adjacent rooms (the quiet/green room and handicapped entry).
Please be considerate of others by observing this practice and to the best of your ability. minimize noise and distractions when you enter, especially if you are late.
If you wish to receive through testing about the purpose and value of observing quiet before and after latihan, please let one of the helpers know before latihan.
Thank you.
With love,
Lorraine, Lucinda, Insiah, Hadidjah and Ann