I was participating via the Zoom format so this will be a very limited report!
Thanks to everyone who participated in the general meeting today, especially Paul, who made it possible for me to understand, in part, what was being said by transcribing and interpreting comments! Sorry I missed a lot (most) of the comments due to difficulty in hearing and understanding the words. I think the acoustics in the room are not very good for the Zoom format. Hopefully a solution can be found if we have future meetings in this way. In all, I think it was an interesting experiment and a step forward in new Subud technology, although maybe not new in the rest of the world!
From what I could hear and understand, the meeting went smoothly and proceeded with the selection of a new (old) chair, Jim O’Halloran and vice-chair, Ramon. Congratulations Jim and Ramon! There were various reports and comments, most of which I could not hear or understand, but it all seemed to work out with good results in the end! We agreed as a group to give money to SICA USA and Susila Dharma. We managed to get through the testing in a relatively smooth and timely manner with mostly unanimous results. We had a very thorough treasurer’s report from Oswald which hopefully will be included in the minutes. Unfortunately, I was not able to hear or understand it but the impression I got was that we are doing okay!

Rachman, thanks for your kind words! I was happy to help the play-by-play, Zoom admin and slide show. Your report did not mention that SICA-USA was also given a contribution of $500 which was much appreciated. Thank you SGS! Thank you Jim, Ramon, Alexa and Annie!