Sofyan Brugger, Translator of over 125 of Bapak’s Talks, Dies

From Oswald,

Sofyan Brugger, Translator of over 125 of Bapak’s Talks, Dies

Sofyan Brugger, a former member of the Sekretariat at Wisma Subud – where talks and Bapak’s responses to member’s letters were translated – passed away peacefully just after midnight Saturday at his home in Boise, Idaho.

His wife Halimah offered these details on his last days and a brief bio of his life:

In the last few days of his life, he seemed to become younger and younger — maybe about 40.  He had the sweetest look on his face and was very aware and kind to everyone till the end.  Our children, Kailani, Rizwati, and Sailan were all here.

Sofyan was opened by Bapak in June 1957 when he was 17.  As a young man he went to Cilandak to work in Bapak’s Secretariat.  He translated over 125 of Bapak’s published Talks and several thousand letters in multiple languages for Bapak and Ibu Rahayu for over 30 years.  He had been a National Helper in the UK and was also a National Helper in the US. He was encouraged by WSA to publish a book of some of his translations in time for the World Congress in Freiburg.

Halimah asks for \your prayers and blessings for our family.

For those of you interested in reading his translations, titled Bapak Subuh Yang Mulia : Selected talks, You may order your copy from SPI at SPI BOOK SHOP – the password is jiwa. In the USA you may also order the book by contacting For more information on how this book came about, see this article at the SICA-USA website.

For those interested in knowing more about Sofyan and his wife Halimah and their life at Wisma Subud, please visit the WSA Archives website. This site is open to Subud members only.

Those interested in making a contribution to Subud in Sofyan’s name are requested to make them to the Muhammad Subuh Foundation.

Link to some of Rachman’s photos of Sofyan: