Subud National Congress Postponed

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

We are writing today with an important update on our 2020 Subud USA National Congress.

As you are no doubt aware, in recent days the world has focused its attention on the rapidly expanding transmission of the novel coronavirus.

On Friday, February 28 the World Health Association’s Director General stated that the organization has increased its “assessment of the risk of spread and the risk of impact of COVID-19 to very high at a global level.” Indeed, many companies have taken steps in the last 48 hours to cancel or postpone upcoming conferences. These changes are occurring precisely at the time when Subud USA would need to finalize its contractual commitments for our July 4 event.

Taking these facts into consideration, and out of an abundance of caution regarding the wellbeing of our members, the executive committee of Subud USA has determined that the best plan forward for our National Congress is to postpone it until later in 2020 when the situation surrounding the coronavirus contagion is more clear.

We feel that we will be better informed within the next few weeks as to the scope and impact of the virus on the US. Please know that we are actively pursuing venues suitable for our National Congress that can accommodate our group later on in 2020.

We apologize for any inconvenience that this extraordinary circumstance may have caused. We will be back in touch as soon as possible with our revised plan and schedule.

Thank you in advance for your understanding. Comments or questions can be submitted to us at




Lucas Boladian                  Philip Lindstrom
Chair                                   Vice Chair
Subud USA                         Subud USA

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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.