Subud USA Directory

From the National Office:

Dear brothers and sisters,

Just click on the link below this paragraph to get your free copy of the 2014 Subud USA Membership Directory. The information included is based on what we received from the census that was just conducted. You can keep the directory in its electronic version and/or print it out, whatever is your preference.

If there is an error in your membership entry, please inform the national office at We are working hard to have as accurate a database as possible.

If you prefer, we can also send you a paper copy of the directory for $20. This includes the cost of labor, printing, and postage. Just let us know the following:

Number of Copies of 2014 Subud USA Membership Directory Requested: ______Total Amount: __________ ($20 for each copy)

Mailing Address:
Name _______________________________________________

Street Address ________________________________________

City, State, Zip Code____________________________________

Send this information and your check to:
Subud USA National Office
4216 Howard Road
Beltsville, MD 20705-2644

If you would like the directory, but need a reduced rate, indicate the amount you can afford on the line “Total Amount”.

If you donated at least $240 during the recent Subud USA pledge drive, we would like to express our appreciation by sending you a free copy if you would like one. Just let us know by emailing us or calling the national office at 301-595-0626.With warm regards,
Shoshanah, Daniel, Lucian, Morris and Hamidatun
(Subud USA National Committee)

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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls.