Puebla, Mexico
The website for the next World Congress in August, 2014 is now available for viewing. Go to www.subudworldcongress 2014.com. Local member, Marston Gregory is Treasurer for the event and has been actively working on the team with many trips to Puebla. He reports that the venue should be a wonderful site surrounded by historic buildings some from the 17th Century. The registration online will be available in a few weeks. The reason the site is up so early is to allow members to pay 30% down and then create their own payment plan. The congress registration fees are the lowest in years and discounts can be applied for if you are in any country including the U.S.
This will be the cheapest congress for North American’s since Spokane. Flights also into Mexico City from Seattle are plentiful. Shuttles will pick up members for a small fee and shuttle the hotels. Be aware, Puebla has only a few flight directly into the city and at a higher cost through Dallas or Houston. The trip by bus is the best option and can be booked through your registration online.
Be sure to register early to get the Early Bird rate, before November 30. Due to it location and it’s low cost, it should be an amazing two week congress. To get a hotel close to the site, book early. A list of hotels will be up in May. Many hotels are giving us discounted rates. There are over 1000 hotel rooms within walking distance to the convention center.
Two other team members used to live in the Seattle area, Lucida Garneau (building our online registration program with Cvent; now in Eastern Canada) and Debbie Machado-Santos who was opened in Seattle who is our Customer Service Representative to answer questions and assist with Lodging.
Only 15 months now until the congress unfolds!