Tag Archives: Rachman Cantrell

Helper Meeting Minutes

Our newest Helper Aakarsh Gottumukala took the minutes from the Sunday, July 19, 2020, Helper’s Meeting which happened via Zoom. Here is his report:

Helpers Present: Aakarsh Gottumukkala, Danella Mauguin, David Lynch, Halimah Bellows, Halstein Stralberg, Hanafi Libman, Paul Nelson, Sebastian Tedrow, Lucinda O’Hallaran.

Helpers Not Present: Rachman Cantrell, Rayma Norton

During our helper meeting on Sunday, we discussed the issues of restarting in-person latihan at the Subud house and converting the upstairs bedrooms of the Subud Seattle house into rental office spaces. Most helpers present were unwilling to test about reopening the Subud house, as per Evan Padilla’s request. The general feeling at the meeting was that it is unwise to reopen the Subud house in Seattle at this time. As an alternative, the possibilities of doing latihan at Halstein Stralberg’s house or joining the group latihan in Olympia on Saturday mornings at 10 AM were proposed. Members wishing to do so should contact Halstein in the case of the former and David Lynch in the case of the latter. Regarding the issue of changing the enterprise at the Subud Seattle center, the general consensus was that this may prove unwise.

The next helper meeting is on the third Sunday, August 16.

Rachman Cantrell via email added:

Thanks, Paul, for catching me up.  I agree with you about holding off on group latihan.  I am becoming more in favor of the call in latihans and hope more people participate.  My latihan last friday was particularly strong and different!  Even more so than when we did group latihan!


2018 World Congress Freiburg

The 2018 Subud World Congress is in progress in Freiburg, Germany, and your regular SGS webmaster, Rachman Cantrell is on the job, taking photographs as he has done at previous World Congresses going back to the 1960s.

Aida and Rachman Cantrell

More information on the Congress is here: https://subudworldcongress.org/


Photo By Erwin Hudoyono

Renata Reid & Rachman Cantrell

And some photos from Daphne C Alexopoulou‎:

Photo by Daphne C Alexopoulou‎

New Editor for the Newsletter!

Rachman Cantrell at it again

While at Menucha, Honora asked me to take over the editing job for the Subud Greater Seattle newsletter. Hariana Chilstrom and Paul Nelson have been doing a masterful job but Hariana is leaving for parts unknown and Paul has his hands full with managing the Subud building enterprise, his non-profit organization (SPLAB) and his five year old daughter Ella!  After receiving about it I accepted the post. It means a steep learning curve for me but with help I am hoping for a good outcome. Information and articles of interest to Subud members can be addressed to me at rachmanc@gmail.com. Everything should be in as complete a form as possible so I can copy and past as needed. I will do some editing if necessary. Including an image related to the story is very helpful. Please forgive me if I make mistakes! Thanks, Rachman.

Profile of Rachman Cantrell’s Dad

Great article that longtime member Rachman Cantrell posted on Facebook about his Dad. From the article:

…“I’m his son,” answered the kind voice of Rachman Cantrell, 74, from his collectibles shop, Bothell Jewelers & Collectibles, all the way across the country in Bothell, WA.

I must’ve sounded oddly euphoric over the phone, but I’d just spent numerous hours over the course of a few days researching his rather eccentric and entrepreneurial father, Clifford, the author and publisher of the brief autobiographical spiritual tract Holy Stone Mountain (c. 1975), but had turned up next to nothing until that moment. I’d gleaned from online mentions here and there that for many decades he’d been the proprietor of several iterations of a long bygone used and collectibles store in Metro Atlanta—from Jonesboro to the West End to Decatur—variously called C.E. Cantrell’s Quick Picture Studio (he was quite the amateur photographer), Cantrell’s Oddity Shop, Cantrell’s Books & Oddities, Cantrell’s Swap Sell & Buy Service Storehouse of Used Bargains, Cantrell’s Book Swapping Center, and the last known storefront, Cantrell’s Books & Things in Decatur. He was probably regarded by many not only as a self-made man but as a bit of a curiosity himself for his singular zeal about Stone Mountain that verged on messianic. He believed God was inside the mountain and described it sincerely in his 62-page book…

Holy Stone Mountain | Remembering C.E. Cantrell