Tag Archives: Subud Greater Seattle

Phillip Quackenbush Dead at 78

(Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

(Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

Phillip Quackenbush has died from cardiac disease. He passed away on Sunday, October 26, at his home in Seattle. He was 78, and had several health problems but was independent, writing music and making puns until the very end.

A memorial gathering will take place on November 15 at 2PM at Subud House/Spring Street Center, 1101 15th in Settle at the corner of 15th & Spring, celebrating the many aspects of his life. Free thinker, musician, composer, father, brother, friend, he was a Subud member for over 50 years. He was excited up to the last about the next song he was writing, eager to put his gifts out in the world.

Philip Q Poems for Peace

Philip Quackenbush

Philip Quackenbush, described as Subud Greater Seattle’s own resident multi-instrumentalist, played harp at the September 2014, Poems for Peace event and read a poem that punned on the word Fins. (9. 4:47). It may have been his last public performance.

Philip Quackenbush at Menucha 2011 (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

Phillip Quackenbush at Menucha 2011 (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

Halim Scott photographs Philip Quackenbush (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

Halim Scott photographs Phillip Quackenbush (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

(Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

(Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

Philip Quackenbush SF 60s

Phillip Quackenbush SF 60s (Photo by Rachman Cantrell)

New System

The Subud House

The Subud House

Dear Brothers and Sisters, as approved at the March 24 committee meeting, we have a new system of communication. The Subud Greater Seattle website is now linked to a program which will automatically send members of Subud Greater Seattle (and anyone else interested) a weekly digest of posts. This, of course, will require weekly posts and there are seven (count ’em) 7 administrators who can do just that. It is my hope the other six will post occasionally, with news and other information relevant to Subud Greater Seattle. An opt-out link will be in every email that goes out, so look for it at the bottom of those emails should you want to stop being informed about matters pertinent to SGS members. Expect your weekly email at 6AM Wednesday mornings.

If there are corrections that need to be made to the site, please contact me, Paul Nelson, at Splabman (at) gmail (dot) com

May the higher forces be with you. (Or you with them.)
