Tuesday Morning Latihan

From Evan Padilla:

Dear brothers,

I would like to propose that we schedule an additional men’s latihan on Tuesday morning at 11:00 AM, quiet time 10:45.  With the loss of the Wednesday night latihan on the eastside and the Monday evening latihan, our men’s group is in need of a latihan in the beginning part of the week.

I realize that not everyone will be able to come at this time, but I believe that there are enough men who are free to attend.

I suggest that we have our first latihan on Tuesday, April 21st.  Please let me know what you think and if you are able to attend.



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About Paul

A Subud member since 2004, a local helper and the Rental Agent for Subud Greater Seattle from 2011, to 2020 Paul is a poet with 5 published books on poetry and poetics and is father to two beautiful girls. www.paulenelson.com