Dear Brothers and Sisters,
In the last month your donations to our center have been steady. We are grateful.
Even before the Shelter In Place order from Governor Inslee, we knew that the income for our Centerprise, Spring St. Center AirBnB, was going to take a hit. It has.
All future rentals we had were cancelled. A major enterprise, renting our facility once a month on weekends cancelled and requested a refund of their deposit. We have had no rental income for March, April and May.
All staff that worked on the AirBnB enterprise is either furloughed, or working on vastly reduced hours. One member is donating their time. We have cut our expenses in this area and in the area of utilities to the lowest level possible.
Many AirBnB property owners are now looking for possible long-term rentals, or considering selling their properties. We’re currently looking for long-term renter(s).
Until that time, even though we’re not able to go to the building weekly, we still need to maintain its appearance. This is essential if we are to provide an interesting property that someone would want to rent long-term. The building interior needs to be clean and tidy. The outside needs to stay picked up and the lawns mowed.
We have reduced our payment to the region. However, it still needs our support. Its work includes that of our regional helpers who are managing our virtual latihans. Our region also supports our national and international organization’s through this payment. This includes members nationally and internationally who do not have the strength in numbers or contributions we have locally.
I just wanted to let you know how we are managing the limited funds we have and your committee’s commitment to coming up with a new solution for other income from rentals.
Your continued donations to our center are essential if we are to keep it in good repair. We want it to be ready not only for a potential renter, but also for ourselves, once we’re able to return.
Thank You, Oswald Norton
Subud Greater Seattle Treasurer